14. Wren

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"Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style! You got that long hair slicked back white T-shirt, and I have got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt!" - Taylor Swift

Finally, exams are over.

Today was our last final and we finally have the class party, then the winter break. I'm so glad this week is finally over.

Not only were exams a pain in the ass, but because of William's concussion, he took his exams in a different room where he was given more time. That means that he and George haven't seen each other since the incident, and believe me when I tell you that she hasn't been herself.

Not to mention that she almost gave me a heart attack when L called me and told me that both William and George were at the hospital. He said that he caught George last minute as she fainted, probably from not eating well all day.

George thinks its going to be really awkward when they meet at the class party, not to mention that it took me 3 hours, and 37 blackmail techniques to convince her to even come to the party in the first place.

I'm sitting in our room right now, waiting for George to hurry the fuck up because we're going to be late. We're at the hotel where the party is going to be hosted where each pair get their own "get ready rooms."  We've had our showers back home so these rooms are for getting dressed, doing, makeup, taking photos, all that stuff.

I'm so excited for the class party this year. I heard that last year's one wasn't the best and sophomore year was a whole shit show. The dress code is formal attire for the boys and black/white cocktail dresses for the girls. The dresses couldn't be shorter than the fingertips, or have any openings on the legs that are shorter than the fingertips. They're also supposed to cover up all the chest area. Other than that, everything else was allowed.

Per usual, George and I decided to wear our infamous matching black dresses. The only difference was that George's dress was glittery while mine wasn't. We also, of course, wore our matching fancy boots instead of heels. I mean, its just a little dance, why the hell should we break our legs for it? Plus the boots got them heels but in a much comfier way.

"Fucking shit man, Wren did I lose more weight?" I hear George say as she steps out of the bathroom, and when I say she looked majestic, I mean it.

"George, shut the fuck up oh my gosh!" I say squealing as I jump from my seat on the bed. "I totally forgot how good we look in these dresses!"

I hear George laugh as she does some model poses in the dress. I take some pics, acting as paparazzi and then we switch, me doing the poses while George takes the photos. We laugh uncontrollably as we check out the ugly ass photos that we took. Damn, we looked worse than I thought.

"Now we know that neither of us should be models" I say with a laugh.

I look to my side, finding George giggling.

"What?" I said, giggling back.

"We never go out of style!" She sings as she gets up from the bed. "YOU GOT THAT LONG HAIR, SLICKED BACK, WHITE T SHIRT!"

"AND I GOT THAT GOOD GIRL FAITH AND A TIGHT LITTLE SKIRT!" I continues the song, laughing as I follow her out the bed.



We breathed heavily as we sang that last part together. George's voice compared to my frog like one was heavenly. When singing, George's voice seems to transform into this amazingly soft and calm voice. I, on the other hand, seem to have a good voice when speaking but a total disaster when singing.

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