Chapter 15: Jealously

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"You're still coming with me tonight, right?" Lucy asks

I look up from my bowl of cereal.

"Huh?" I ask. What the hell is she going on about?

"On my date, obviously" She tells, me rolling her eyes

I stare for her at a second. I can't hold it in any longer. A weird laugh escapes my lips.

"I can't come on a date with you, I'd be totally third wheeling. I though you were joking about that" I laugh at her.

"But I told you I'd find someone to go with you. He said he's bringing his friend and he looks handsome, you would definitely like him" She tells me

I look at her and grow red. The last thing I wanted right now was to go on a date with some strange man, or any man for that matter. I shudder thinking about it. She looks at me as if she's reading my mind.

"Don't worry, it'll be more like a friend thing. You's are both just coming so it'll be more fun. Please come, you said you would, and you need to wear your beautiful dress. Please. Pretty please" She says, looking at me like a lost puppy.

I consider it. Of course I really don't want to go, but look at all the things she has done for me these last couple of weeks. I definitely owe it to her, and who knows, I might actually enjoy myself. I'm already nearly nineteen and I've never been drinking before, when I think about it, it's quite sad and depressing. I need to find a way to actually live my life.

"Ok" I tell her. Her face lights up with a huge smile. This better be worth it...

We take the whole day getting ready, and I'm not going to lie, it was really fun. She curls my hair and puts it in pin curls and she does my makeup for me. She even paints my nails a dark, sexy red. She then does her own hair and makeup and I've never had such a girly experience in my life like this, it was like what you see in films. She had her music on in the background while getting ready, setting the mood. I'm not going to lie, I was starting to feel excited. Not about going on a stupid date, but actually going out like a normal girl my age would be doing. My face was hurting from smiling all day. 

Once our hair and makeup was done, I go to get ready. Once I put the dress on, I regret it. It was beautiful of course, but I felt hugely uncomfortable the way it hung tightly on my waist and hips, showing my figure off to the world. Lucy walked in to my room and she looked absolutely beautful. Her long legs looked incredible as she showed them off . Her dress also hung tightly onto her slim frame. She looked like a model. I felt ugly standing next to her but her reaction made me feel better.

"You look beautiful!" She exclaims

"Not as good as you" I tell her "You look amazing Lucy!" I reply

"I do, don't I?" She laughs. "Are you ready to go?"

I take a deep breath "Sure" I say

We walk down the stairs and as we get to the bottom, I see Ashton open his office door and stare at us. I feel myself grow red. His presence had such a huge impact on me. 

He then turns his attention to me. At first, his expression is unreadable. Then he looks angry. Very angry.


Opening my office door, I see Lucy and Rae standing there. I look at Rae and my mind goes blank. She's wearing a mini, black dress with slits in the waist. It hangs tightly around her figure, showing off her curves. Her hair is shiny and golden, lying in big, bouncy curls and her face looks slightly more brighter and her eyes look wide with happiness, framed by a dark curtain of eyelashes. My heart stops, she looks incredible, absolutely beautiful. I can't help my mind thinking of what things I could do to her, I am still a man. I stare at her in awe before I return back to reality.

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