Chapter 25: Things Can Go Bad Just When It Gets Good.

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I leave her room with a quick kiss on the forehead so she can get dressed and meet me down there. I know. I caved in. I gave up. But I don't think I could ever unlove that girl. We are complete opposites yet our souls are the same. Now, until the day I die, I will do nothing but love her  unconditionally. This girl took my cold heart, warmed it with her love, and gave it back to me. Everything will change now...


As soon as he leaves my room, I collapse to the floor. We have just made love with each other, and I've never felt more alive. Right. I need to focus or I'll be even more late. I put my dress on, take a quick look in the mirror, and then leave my room to go down the hall. As I get there, my face turns the same colour as my dress. Everyone is staring at me, jeez, I'm so late. I look around the sea of faces before I find the once I'm looking for, gazing at me with such awe, making me feel relaxed.


There she is. Once again she looks fucking incredible. She looks around the room before she finally meets my eye and her face changes into a beautiful smile. She walks over to me.

"You look beautiful" I tell her, looking into her eyes. She blushes and looks down, trying to hide it. I want to say more but Lucy storms over.

"Where the hell have you been? It couldn't of took  five minutes to put on a dress!" she squeals. Five minutes? Wow,  the devil works fast but Ashton Massimo works faster.

I smirk at my little joke at the wrong time. Rae obviously looks a bit flustered at the question. Lucy eyes the both of us suspiciously.

"What were the two of you doing?" She asks

Ugh, she's so nosey. Before Rae has the chance to say "Nothing", I just be a truthful man.

"I went in her room to get a tie but then we ended up fucking instead. Happy?" I tell her. Her mouth hangs open a little in shock so I take my hand and close it for her. I kiss Rae on the forehead, her face also in a shocked expression

"I'll be back in a bit, I just need to find Ron" I tell her.


"You guys actually did it? Oh my God, I didn't expect that to happen so soon!" Lucy squeals.

"I know" I tell her "I'm shocked he told you, I though he might of regretted it"

"Do you?" She questions

"Definitely not" I smile.

I look around and see Ashton talking to Ron. I wonder what they are talking about. When I turn back around, I see Luca and Carlo walking towards me.

"My dear, don't you look beautiful!" Carlo says

"Thank you Carlo" I say shyly.

"My father's right, you look simply ravishing" He exclaims, winking at me. I don't say anything.

"Now now Luca, this girl isn't yours, she's with Ashton!" Carlo warns

"Oh really? I was under the impression you two were just friends" He tells me suspiciously.

"Well you were wrong, won't you?" I hear Ashton say. He comes up from behind me and snakes his arm around my waist. 

"Yeah, I see that now" Luca states, still, his eyes on me. "I was wondering whether you would like to dance? " He asks me.

"I would love to dance!" I say. Luca smirks up at Ashton, looking cocky. "Ashton would you like to dance with me?" I ask him, trying to hide my laugh. Luca's face drops. He looks embarrassed.

"I would love to Rae" Ashton replies, holding out his hand for me to take.

We go in the middle of the dance floor and he holds my waist and I hold around his neck and we sway softly to the music. He looks down at me, smiling. I don't think I've ever felt so at home in someone's arms, but I do now. I wish my mother was here to see this, to see how happy I became. To see how I escaped the life she left me in. I'm sure she's smiling down at me now.

When we finish dancing, I get drunk. A bit too drunk. By the end of the night, I am completely wasted. I don't think I've ever been drunk like this before.

"I think it's time you go to bed love" Ron grunts. Ashton laughs along with Jake. 

"She's just having a good time" Ashton laughs. But I was starting to feel tired. I sit on a chair and I think I actually fall asleep because when I open my eyes, I'm in Ashton's arms. I look up at him and smile and rest my head on his shoulder. Then I turn serious for a moment and look at him.

"Do you love me?" I ask him.


Her eyes pour into mine as she asks me whether I love her. Of course I love her, how could she not know that? But I don't say anything, I don't know how to put it into words. If I tell her I love her, then she's bound to me for life. She already is in my eyes but do I really want myself to be bound to her? I've already seen how this stuff ends and right now, I would rather die than live without her. 

She looks at me, looking sad. She gets down from me and walks away into her room. I don't bother walking after her for some stupid reason. I don't reassure her and tell her I love her more than anything. Like an idiot, I just stand there as if I'm glued to the spot. I just stand there and watch her walk away...


One thing I've learned in life is that the most perfect moments can be ruined just as easily. Things that go good can always take a turn for the worst. Before this, I couldn't imagine a more perfect day. I would even go as far to say this was the best day of my life. I haven't felt this good, even the time I realised I had escaped the Venttos, nothing could have beat this day. But then, with one single question I ask, it all goes downhill. He just stares at me like an idiot, unsure on what to say. But he shouldn't be unsure, it should have been a simple yes. He told me today that nothing would be the same,  but what did that mean? I thought it meant he would finally love me. For fuck sake, I even let him fuck me. But no. He doesn't love me, and so now I look like the fool.

I run into my room and slam the door behind me and let the tears finally escape my eyes. I didn't want him to see me cry, I didn't want him to see how devastated I was...

I put on my pyjamas and wipe my makeup off and go and sit by the huge window in my room, and I just stare out of it, thinking. I think about Ashton mostly, even though I know I shouldn't. I don't really feel drunk anymore, I think I'm starting to sober up. Just as I'm about to get up and go to bed, I hear a faint knock at me door.  I don't bother answering it. It's not who I hope it is anyways and I can't be bothered to talk to anyone else tonight. After about a minute, someone opens my door. What the hell? I definitely locked it. Anyways, the person who came in was definitely not what I expected...

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