Chapter 31: Omerta

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"Wow, I never realised how beautiful Italy actually was" I say, climbing down from the plane and putting on my sunglasses. I still hated Italians though.

"I know, I've missed it here" Bella replies. "I've just heard from Luca. Jason was right. Ashton and his clan have moved here. Carlo is dead"

"FUCKKKK" I scream. Everyone jumps back a bit. "WE WERE TOO FUCKING LATE"

"Don't w...worry, things will work out" Bella stammers, looking nervous. I look at her and I get the urge to punch her to death. I take a deep breathe. Once I sort out Ashton, I can finally get rid of her. I paint on my fakest smile to her. She exhales in relief. 

"Which of his clan moved here with him?" I ask her, calmly.

"His slutty whore, Rae, the blonde bimbo, Lucy, Lorenzo and that fucking Big Brian or whatever they call him. That's all. My brother Ron and his... friend... Jake stayed back" She tells me.

"Ron stayed back" I laugh. That was stupid. Why would he have his fucked up brother look after things in England, oh well, at least it'll be easy to take over in England with Ashton out of the way. Hmmm, and my little Rae is with him? Things must be getting serious with them...

"You better make sure you keep Luca on our side" I warn Bella, "Or you'll regret it. Come on, we have lots of work to do..."


As soon as we arrive back at the house, all of Carlo's, I mean Ashton's, men greet us. We walk into a new home and I go straight with Ashton to unpack. On the way to our room, a beautiful, tall woman with tanned skin, dark hair and light hazel eyes walks towards us, winking at Ashton. I feel him go rigid next to me.

"Wow, Ashton, long time no see! How are you?" She asks. I eye her up. I don't like the way she's looking at him,,,

"Err, I'm good Ariana, how are you?" He says, not meeting my eye. He's clearly nervous, making my blood boil.

"Yeah, I'm great!" She replies. Suddenly, she moves closer to Ashton. What the fuck? Am I invisible or something. "I've missed you though, it's been a while" She says, quietly, battering her long pathetic eyelashes.

Since Ashton decides to stand their like a witless moron, I decide to intervene.

"Hi, I'm Rae, Ashton's girlfriend" I tell her, taking a step closer. I know how pathetic I look next to her. She looks like some tall, Victoria secret model, tanned, goddess and I'm.. well... not.

"Wow, you have a girlfriend, Ashton? I need to ask this girl for some advice, you never would settle down with me, not that I wasn't bothered, I mean, we did other things that kept me happy" she says, smirking. "But, hey, I'm up for some competition" She says, finally looking down at me. "See you later Ash" She winks and walks away. 

I stand there, dumbfounded. What the hell just happened. I look at Ashton, who looks at me. 

"Well?" I question.

"Well what?" He says nervously.

"Who was she?" I demanded.

"No one special, well, I mean I've fucked her a couple of times, that's it" He says, truthfully. 

I look at him in disbelief and turn my back to him and walk away. But his legs are longer. 

"Wait, wait, wait" He says, grabbing on to me "She's harmless" He laughs. I'm not so sure. I look at her then look at me and I feel extremely self conscious. 

"I guess I'm not surprised, I mean she is beautiful" I say, quietly.

"I mean, she is beautiful in her own way. But she doesn't hold 1/10th... no... 1/100th of the beauty you have" He tells me. "Your the only woman I'll ever love" He whispers and bends down and kisses me, and straight away, I forget all of my worries.

"Well, I see you've met Ariana" A voice says. Great. Even better. Luca. "Be careful, Rae, she'll try and steal Ashton from you. Don't worry, I'll be here for you when she does" He says winking at me. 

I look at Ashton and I can tell he's like a bomb waiting to explode. Before I even say or do anything, Ashton goes up to Luca, grabs him by the collar and pushes him up against the wall. 

"Watch yourself, Luca. If you want to stay here alive, you better fucking behave yourself, do you understand? Your precious little daddy isn't here to protect you now, so stop acting like a fucking c*nt and behave!" He says, and release his collar.

Luca looks embarrassed. He gives us both a dirty look and walks away. 

"You can't let him get to you" I tell him "You'll end up killing him"

"Yeah, I would be pretty stupid to do that" He mumbles. Then he looks at me. "We all live by a code, like a blood contract called omertà . We can't kill our own, only if they've betrayed us in some way. Luca may be a dick but he hasn't done anything bad enough for me to kill him.  Unfortunately." He laughs.

"What happens if you do kill your own?" I ask curiously

He looks at me. "You die."

We finally get to our new room. Yes, our room. Now that we are properly together, it would be stupid to not share a room. I get my pyjamas on and climb in to bed with Ashton. He kisses me tenderly and... well... other stuff. Afterwards, he puts his arm around me, tightly, like a snake and we both fall asleep...

The next day, I decide to take myself and Lucy out to the little village to try and cheer her up. Ashton couldn't come. Now that he was the big, powerful boss in Italy, I suppose I had to get used to him being busy. It was quite busy today, there were a lot of tourists. I suppose May was a good time of year to come. 

"Come on, lets go and look in that clothe shop, you love clothes!" I say to her.

"Sure" She replies, unenthusiastically. But of course, I was right. In no time, she had found a dozen of outfits to try on. She went to try them on while I kept looking around. I found this beautiful lilac summer top. I held it up against me, seeing what it looked like.

"That looks beautiful on you." A girl says.

I turn around and see a extremely pretty girl standing before me. She was about the same height as me but had dark brown hair, polka straight and piercing blue eyes. When I saw her, I had the impression that I had seen her before. Strange...

"Thanks" I reply, smiling "I think I'll treat myself."

"You definitely should" She says, smiling, revealing a set of pearly white teeth. I notice that she has a British accent. "What's your name?" She asks me.

"Rae" I say, smiling again. Her eyes suddenly light up. 

"Rae? Your names Rae?" She says. She looks at me for a minute, as if devouring my appearance to her memory. "That's a lovely name, my names Bella." She says.

"Nice to meet you Bella. Do you live here?" I ask her.

"No, I'm just on holiday, visiting my family. I haven't seen them in a very, very long time" She says. She looks like she's trying to hold in a laugh, as if I'm missing some secret joke. "Anyways, I better be off, perhaps I'll see you again sometime." She adds. I smile at her and she walks away.

At that point, Lucy comes out of her dressing room with a huge smile on her face and millions of clothing items. I smile. At least she's feeling better...

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