Chapter 43: Revenge

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Dear Ashton,

I know how stupid this is, and I know you'll never read this, but right now, I'm up and awake on the morning of our wedding and I'm freaking out. I have all of these emotions and I sort of want to let them out. This will most definitely be cringey, so read at your own risk!

Until I met you, my life was dark, I mean, very dark. I lived a life with no love, no happiness and constantly living  in fear. When I first met you in that café, I remember thinking you were a robber and was relieved when all you wanted was a bottle of coke. However, I was wrong, you were a robber. That night, you robbed my heart and you never gave it back, in fact, you still have it. Truth is, I don't want it back anymore, you can keep it. I wanted it back at first. I was scarred of loving you, but now I'm afraid what life would be like without loving you. You are the love that came without warning. You had my heart before I could even say no. And even though I was not ready for love, I realised that no body ever is, but when someone makes you feel alive again, its kind of worth the risk. 

Your love came blindly. It kept up on me silently. I could have put any wall up, but you would have broke it down. I found myself caring for you without trying. When you first told me you were Ashton Massimo, my brain told me to run, but my heart said stay. I knew from the first time you saved me that I could trust you with my life, that you would never let anything bad happen to me, and I was right. Even though the night I met you turned out to be the worst night of my life, you changed it to make it better and I am so thank full that it was you who saved me. I fell in love with your soul before I even touched you, before I even kissed you.

I know you worry about something happening to me, and I can't promise you something won't happen to me one day. But even if it does, nothing in this world will ever make me regret falling in love with you because I know that everything is better with you. everything has been better since you, and I can't help but think of forever when I look at you. Even though we have both experienced so much darkness in our lives, we have enough light in each other to share, for the rest of our lives. Let me tell you, I am so excited to become Mrs  Massimo, because when I have you, I have everything. I love you more than words can comprehend... 


I read the letter over three times. I will stop crying. I will stop moaning. I will stop just sitting here because every minute I waste is a minute without her. Because I know one thing for sure. Rae walked into my heart like she always belonged there, took down my walls and lit my soul on fire. I really didn't want to fall in love or need someone. I really didn't want anything. But then, she appeared, and suddenly I wanted everything, and I'm not going to loose it from the likes of fucking Andrei Ventto.

He's fucking crossed the line. I'm going to find Rae and I'm going to find him. I'm going to give him a fate worse than death. Once I get through to him, he's going to be begging me to kill him. I'll show him just how cold my heart can be.

Sweet fucking revenge...

                                                                                     THE END

(Thank you to everyone who stayed to the very end! Don't worry, this isn't the end of their story, there's still ALOT more to see! Stay tuned for: Cold Heart 2:Revenge)

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