Chapter 41: Blood

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My heart stops. As soon as I see his face, thousands of nightmares come flooding back to me. This can't be happening. What will be the outcome of this?

"Ahh, Ashton, mate, how the hell are you? Sorry to ruin your wedding today, but you know how much I love destruction" He laughs. Then his eyes meet mine

"If it isn't my little milaya devushka!" The name sends shivers down my spine. "Yes, I've been searching for you everywhere my love. Little did I know you married fucking Ashton Massimo!" He laughs

Ashton looks at him, with an expression I have never seen before in my life. It's an expression that says "I'm going to kill you"

"You've made a big fucking mistake coming here tonight Andrei" Ashton warns. "Do you really think I'm going to give n?" He laughs.

At that moment, we here footsteps. We stand on our guard. It's either going to be our team or the Russians...

Then, banging the door open, Ron comes bargaining in, his face all bloodied up, his glasses missing. He aims his gun at Andrei, but he's not fast enough. They both shoot at each other. My heart was in my mouth, he shot Ron in the arm. He moaned in pain but got straight back up. More of our men come through. Just when I think we've won, Even more Russians come in through the other door, and the casino turns into a battle ground. 

There's gunshots and screams every where. Ashton pulls me out of the way and we escape into the back doors with Ron. We run as fast as we can but we can here footsteps running from behind us.


Shit. What the fuck do I do? I look at Ron who's face is just as clueless as mine and in pain. Where at a dead end and they are approaching us fast. I look down at Rae who looks petrified. There was no way on this earth I was letting them take her...

One man finally appeared from around the corner. I raise my gun and shoot him straight in the head. Another one comes and Ron shoots him. I look at the dead man and I see he has a grenade in his hand. I pick in up, throw it around the corners and we all cover ourselves. Yes! They are dead. What now?

I look at Ron. He's my brother. I trust him with my whole life. There's no way he can fight with his arm like this. I take a deep breath and kiss Rae on the forehead.

"Rae, I want you to take this" I say. I hand her over my other gun. She looks at me with fear in her eyes.

"Ron, I want you to take Rae into a room. Hide the both of you fucking well. You can't carry on with your wound, but I have to go back, I can't leave my men on their own" I tell him. He nods and he knows not to question me now. I pull his arm back. "I'm trusting you with her life, Ron. If anything happens, I won't ever forgive you" I threaten. I let him go then I go to Rae. 

What the fuck do I say to her? There was a huge risk that I would die tonight, on the night we got married. How do I promise her I'll be ok. Instead I don't say anything. I kiss her on the forehead.

"I love you" I tell her.

"Why can't I come with you?" She cries.

"Rae, please, just do as your told, I'll be fine, I... promise" I tell her.

"Be safe" She whispers, tears pouring down her eyes.

Then I watch Ron pull her down the corridor and out of sight. I go off into the fight with her face in my mind...


Ron grabs on to me really tight, probably leaving a bruise. I don't think about the ache in my legs from running. I don't beg him to stop, I just let him drag me. When we finally reach the corners, everything turns from worse to worser. 

We see Lucy, lying on the floor, either dead or unconscious, I pray that she's just knocked out. But what's bad is who standing over her. Jason. I feel the shock grow on my face. He was working for the Russians the whole time? He sees us and raises his gun, but Ron's faster. He shoots him in the head, I jump back a bit in shock.

"Come on" He grunts. He walks over to Lucy quickly and checks her pulse. "She's alive" He says. He picks her up and we continue. As we round the next corner, I see a blonde guy who I recognise as Alex. Without even thinking, I raise my gun and shoot him right in the chest. Ron looks at me approvingly but I just process the fact I've shot someone. However, we keep moving. 

"Right, get in this cupboard" He whispers. He places the unconscious Lucy down in the cupboard and before I even get him, a figure approach's Ron from behind. Faster than I could even think, they bring a baseball bat and with a lot of force, hit him on the back of the head. He collapses to the ground and there she stands.  Bella.

She charges towards me and I fall to the ground with her on top of me. Now, I'm not fighter, and this girl has spent her life in training. As soon as she lands on top of me, I roll back on top of her and bring my gun up to her face. However, she's stronger. She takes my hand and aims the gun at me. I struggle back with all of my strength. Then, the gun jumps out both of our hands and ends up on the other side of the room. I look up for it and she takes the opportunity to roll back on top of me. I punch her is the face and start to pull on her hair. She headbutts me and I cry in pain.  She grabs my arms and knees on them so I can't move, then she puts a knife to my neck. 

At this point, we are both full of blood. 

"Sorry, sweetie, but unfortunately for you, Andrei wants you alive, sadly, I can't say the same for my brothers" She says, laughing. I start to scream. "Don't worry, he won't kill you, he'll just hurt you really fucking bad" She laughs,

And that's the last thing I can remember before she grabs my head and forcefully smashes it against the floor, engulfing me in darkness...

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