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Chapter 5

Declan and his team had a jump from Scott on where he was bitten. Declan promised in two days out the thirty in the compound paradise. Declan didn't need the suite, but he had favors to pay out, and he was going yo break up that 30 days equally till his promises and debts were paid.

Listen up! The zombies were shirtless with no shoes or coats' pants only. It was snowing a light dusting, so the tracks they hoped to find were covered. They were grateful for the frost, keeping their skin tight from rotting in the summer heat. The cold also stopped mind progression, causing the brain to stop dying before the host slowed the brain dead process while the body still functioned.

There were Zombies who buried themselves in the ice and snow, and others had tents set up sleeping outside during the harsh winter months blizzards and white outs included. When blizzards would come, Harlan and Declan played in the snow all night and would fall asleep in a tent with the door open until the blizzard stopped raging.

Being Zombie made them impervious to cold but not the wretched heat. Listen up! We scrap search while we search for this animal anything we can use bring it therr are houses in this section that no one has been in for over a decade I hope you fools got bags cause I cant fucking help you! Hahah! Let's get it!

Shock what you got! He crouched down like an animal, his hair short and kinky he sniffed the ground, then he pushed back the snow, sniffing a fist full of dirt grunting because he lost his speech he pointed west. Are you sure Regent?

He gave Declan a finger, but because he lost the middle one, it was his index, causing history of fellow Zombie brothers to laugh. Fuck you too nigga! COME! The team checked abandoned houses running into gold mines. They got medicine vitamins hair products and house hold chemicals they could use to clean and for bombs. They found rifles and shells and Declan found whiskey scotch and bourbon in gallon bottles.

Why do you always find the boose first nigga? Declan turned to his lieutenant cause that's what I look for first Regent just like you look for bitch shit for ya women and Shock looks for stuff the kids. We all have our vices huh Deck?

CEEEEEEK! CLICK! Gun hammers were pulled as the team went into circle formation flashlights cutting the cold snowy air inside the house with a hole in the roof.

There he was on top of the stove staring down on the five zombies like the God he is. This is it Declan whispered. The silverback gorilla screeched loud windows breaking that were already cracked.

Hi baby Declan said staring into the Zombie eyed gorilla. Drop your weapons get down fall to your faces now he whispered knowing they could hear him.

They did as Declan said he was the first to put his face to the icy floor. Declan slowly raised the palm of his hand upward holding a bottle of fresh deer blood. Declan peeking out the side of bis eyes saw a lab tag on the gorillas ankle ZWTXVR making a mental note of the numbers on it Cykosk Labs? He thought that closed before the fall of man the fuck?

EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK! The silverback grabbed the blood brushing Declans palm running deeper west into unstable ground which was once called Chelsea Manhattan. Up! Yo man what the fuck was that we had him??!

If you reached for a gun Regent that is a silverback he would've torn us all apart in seconds. He has the strength of a silverback and Zombie strength.

Declan smiled. What the fuck you smiling at? Shock teased grabbing kitchen towels. I know something the other teams don't. No one here is to reveal what type of animal it is are we clear? Yes sir. Not to your women no one if the other teams know what type of animal they are seeking they will know how to track it.

That's what we need to be doing Shock banged in morse code on the kitchen counter grabbing a butcher knife. We are not going to trap him Shock. Then what? Regent asked upset.

He is going to come willingly. Grab that rake we need to cover the tracks of the silver back.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now