Buzz & Excitement

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Chapter 25

Declan! Jax ran to the lab, and asked messenger left this for you at the gates. Declan opened the envelope smiling what baby? Ruth ran over, holding Suzy,  oh my God! We're going to Silver City! Ruth screamed on a medical parlay! The whole team! There is no limit on the medical team. All Zomm must be necessary and vaccinated being proof of Silver City Vaccine.

Declan paced nervously call Shock for me baby please. Ruth paged shock to the medical clinic he came upset, half dressed, making Declan chuckle. What! Slamming his hands frustrated. Roof passed shock the invitation from Silver City. He read the invite for a medical parlay instantly, and his frustration turned to overjoyed excitement.

How many of us are going Deck signing with his hands too fast for Declan to keep up with what he was trying to convey. As the letter states , I will invite all the necessary medical staff, and we also have to carry Scott, Susie, and possibly Sheriff that is why I called you here.

Here is a copy of the letter from King Leviticus and Silver City. I need you to run this letter to him asking him to escort us to Silver City for the medical presentation and parlay with King Leviticus I can't do a medical lab presentation alone shock I don't know the medical terminologies to use to make sure that King Leviticus and Queen Psalm understand what I am saying about the medical breakthrough.

Remember guys I have to convince King Leviticus to give me a sample of his blood, if I don't get a sample of his blood which holds the original zombie infection antigen then the dose that I am trying to create to stop the zombie infection and to reverse it may not work. As you guys can tell, I am extremely nervous about this trip to Silver City as we will be staying overnight.

I need you Jax to call all five points city members and the council together in the Great Hall so I can discuss what is going on for us here in Five Points, it is a very exciting time for us and I want to share it with everyone.

If we can pull it off, then King. Leviticus will give us five points to run he may possibly give me the territories as a governor, but I won't know that unless I give him something huge in return.

Hopefully if his blood is not the antigen I need to cure the disease then hopefully it will be enough to sustain the vaccine to reverse damages to vital organs within us, either way one of the vaccines should get us in the door because we broke some sort of medical mold making sure we present something that has never been presented before what do you guys think?  We think it's a good idea, Declan. 

Okay, since we all agreed, then we will get ourselves together in order to go to Silver City. we will have a test run of our presentation and the way we will present ourselves the day off. It will be a dress rehearsal dress as you would the day of the presentation. Bring Susie the way she will be dressed Ruth that's very important we going before the king y'all!

Five Points was excited at the news of going to Silver City to present themselves and their information to King Leviticus. What was more exciting was that Declan possibly had the Cure to end the zombie disease that started so long ago and was the cause of the fall of man.

Declan wondered if he had seen an end? Was there finally light at the end of the tunnel? Did his father lose his life for nothing? There were so many open-ended questions, so many Zombies without an ending to their life stories. Would this be the solution? Would this cure he thinks he found make things better for the zomm race?

Declan didn't have all the answers, but he knew this was something that he had and prayed it would give society the boost  and confidence  needed that they were one step closer to a cure.

Declan fell to his knees  he prayed, asking for guidance. He lit a candle asking for his ancestors help on his journey to Silver City, he asked his father to Grant him with the knowledge of everything he taught him even the small things that he may have forgotten. He thanked his father for his efforts in teaching him everything he knew before the disease overtook his beautiful mind, causing him to go into Red Zone zombie death.

It was hard for Declan watching his father's mental decline a genius sat before him deteriorating literally into a ravishing animal that sought to kill his own son. It was hard for Declan to pick up a knife and put it through his father's skull, causing a heartbreak in him he thought he'd never recover from.

He thanked God  Ruth was there to see him through his grief. Had she not been, he would not know where he'd be today. Now was his time to shine and to go to Silver City like the professional his father taught him to be carrying his father's legacy his life work with him into Silver City, if nothing came from it at least he did his father proud and did the best that he could as his father taught him.

With that, Declan smiled at his father's photo in his lab jacket back home when they used to be safe, and things were normal before the fall of man.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now