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Chapter 24

Danny sat next to Psalm, exhaling dramatically. Auntie, you got me with teenagers, and it's killing me. You had a choice when you graduated from high school kings guard or Kings Intel you chose Intel. I made mistake auntie Psalm. I should have chosen kings assassin. Hahah you know Leviticus uses his henchmen to carry out executions and to be a henchmen -

I have to start as a kings guard, I know. Guess what Danny Intel became area governors way before Henchmen. The better the henchman, the harder it is for your uncle to cut them loose. He was ecstatic when they found you and Lavender in Baltimore. Now you and Adam are thick as thieves.

Yeah, my cousins Adam and David are kings guards. Well, you and Eve are Intel. That's just important now what you got? What hails in five points an overthrow?

Heck, no! They worship Uncle Leviticus they see him as a God. They have a community of old people and the entire 40 floor building full they guide those teens, so its not like they are running wild, no guidance, and guess what, Auntie Psalm? What?

The Zomm you met Declan -

The Queens man? What Queen she tried to have Declan killed and as a result he came back and ripped the place apart and tore her head a mess now she is no longer the queen she was overthrown and Declan is in charge he's the king of Five Points now and from what I can see that people prefer that better than when Harlan was in charge. From my understanding, when Harlan was running things, nothing was getting done. There was a whole heap of problem she was ignoring, so there were a lot of zomb that were happy to see her go. 

Get this auntie calm, I think they have a cure for the Zomm disease. Hahaha, if I had $1 for every zombie that walked through the door claiming they had a cure for the zombie disease, I'd be way richer than I am right now, nephew

I'm serious Auntie Psalm I believe that guy Declan is on to something big he's up day and night trying to solve the problems but there's something different about what he's doing what he's doing? I'm not sure, but did you have a good look at him the last time he was here?

Did you notice Auntie that his skin was almost perfect and he wasn't using your world renowned serum, there was something given to him by his father who used to work for Cysco labs and whatever his father gave him has kept his internal organs and body parts 100% intact. Declan still has a heartbeat he also has 100% of his lungs functioning and uses the bathroom. You've got to be kidding me Danny nobody has 100% of their bodily functions, I've seen zombies from all over the world, and always there's something missing. Well, guess what, Auntie, I can guarantee with everything in me that Declan is walking around with 100% of his lung function, heart-pounding, and all body organs in tact.  There's a guy named Scott who is bitten by an ape, and he reverted 100% from zombies back to full human being his insides were clear, and he's a 100% human again with no zombie traits.

Danny that's impossible once bitten by the zombie virus there is no going back to being human and you're sitting here saying that this Scott boy was bitten by a zombie and then bitten by an ape and after his bite from this ape he began to reverse from zombie Back To Human make it a 100% recovery is this what you're saying Danny are you saying that this ape has cure for the zombie disease within it?

Auntie Psalm, I know it sounds absurd, I know it makes no sense, I know you've heard it a thousand times before, and it's always been a letdown.  The proof is within Scott and Declan. There is something in them that is making them whole again, and it is definitely worth an audience or a medical parlay. Please, when they request it, see them.

I am sure your uncle Leviticus will want to hear about this I'm  he will be absolutely enthralled with hearing this type of report but how can we get this Declan to come to Silver City without blowing your cover Danny? I think I have that covered, Declan needs something, and he can't get it without Uncle Leviticus. I believe Declan will ask for an audience to come to Silver City  a medical audience, and Auntie, please give it to him. I'm very interested in knowing what he's working on in that lab 24 hours a day.

Okay, I think I can do that. I will speak with your uncle Leviticus and have them come to Silver City via escort. How soon do you think they will want to come and parlay with us? As soon as possible I'm guessing whatever it is they need Auntie song they need it right away but even if they do not have the Cure whatever is inside of Declan keeping all of his functions going all these years after the fall of man, is definitely worth the audience don't you think so Auntie.

Absolutely Danny, I can't wait to see what he has to say.  I will make sure that I Alert security at the city Gates if Declan comes that he is to be immediately escorted to either your uncle or myself and he is not to be denied access into Silver City. Also, if he sends a messenger that the message is to get to either your uncle or myself so that we may handle it expeditiously and prepare for his visit, would that work for you, Danny? Yes, Auntie, that would definitely work. Let me prepare some quarters for him and his Entourage in the event this happens  I believe it will happen soon.  He's a really good kid Auntie you know the nerdy type kid that kids picked on in high school? I'll tell you one thing he definitely reminds me of Uncle Leviticus he is not to be toyed with and does not play when it comes to his woman, just like Uncle is with you.

Hahaha, that's so sweet it's always good to see black love, don't you think, Danny? Yeah, but I'm waiting to see when it's going to be my turn, auntie. It'll be your turn. When God says it's your turn, stop being with every girl in here, and maybe one of them will finally take you seriously.

Blah blah blah yes Auntie, I'll be sure to come see you when I'm ready to take a bride, I know you have a thousand picked out for me, isn't that right. You got that right boy, I'm sorry for cussin got them lined up.

Thank you Auntie your marriage making skills are always appreciated.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now