Zomm Bite Origin

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Chapter 17

Sit is it cold enough for you, Declan? Yes, sir, it is. I know Queen likes her ice blocks. Haha yes sir some nights we sleep separately. She has grown accustomed to sub-zero weather, and she loves it. Me? I can't go lower than negative five degrees. That's still good, Declan. Thank Mr. Wilson. Stop all that, Mr. Stuff call me Wilson. Ok, Wilson Scott said you worked for Star Labs before the fall of man?

Yes, I was a janitor, but my father, whom you met, was a top scientist. My father made sure I got that position to spy in places he could not. He took out a book of old memos correspondence from the 60s dating up to the fall of man. Some had coffee stains or food grease on them. These were disregarded and tossed away. My job was to pull them from the garbage cans of the people who made decisions. The ones who received presidential orders.

The Zombie R-19 vax was created in 1940 by a scientist who took dead cells from a dead body, not five minutes after a passing. Technically, the body is still alive as long as the heart pumps. The heart stops 1 hour after someone dies under normal circumstances. He pulled the red blood cells from the dead, fusing them with white blood cells from a living body.

When these two mixed the live cells jump starting the dead one basically tricking them to believe they aren't dead remember they were dead less then five minutes the cells believed they lived when in truth they did not.

Fused with living white cells, the dead red tried to kill the white a battle ensued between the strongest cells. They realized they could not combat one another, so they found an equilibrium, so to speak a.....a middle ground Declan.

They learned to co exist Wilson is that what you're saying? Yes, cohesively, the dead and living two cells never meant to become one tether forming the Zombie gene R-19 the real name for it.

This man made cell was injected into animals quickly. The government saw what was happening, and they loved it. The thing was the animals became uncontrollable way past rabid, and nothing could fix it. One day, my dad said a dog bit a damn tech it was morning he didn't report it.

By 12 noon lunch, he took 16 staff out by biting them by five they were completely rabid like the animals' zombies. Thus began human trials to find a cure its as if God dropped them free exposed humans in the laps of star labs.

You would think they'd extinguish the humans kill them? No, they contained them tested on them and used them for research. My father was forced to work with them as this was his job. He kept a mask by the door he pretended to love the work, but secretly, in our lab at home, he was working on his own cure or vaccine, whatever came to him first.

They weren't working in a cure deck. They were working on how to control the antigen. By the time They realized there is no controlling it, the train had already left the station, leading to the global extension of man. How does your father fit in? Does he know you are here?

One thing my father is and has been is extremely intelligent. Inherited my mothers genes for intelligence, and I barely made it out of high school, but one thing I always had was a photographic memory show it to me, and I never forget, and my father knows this about me

He made me watch him mix the cure he worked on measure by measuring ingredient by ingredient even made me mix it without paperwork to get it right. You can mix what your father worked on?

Yes. Why won't Sheriff help us? Why won't he live here with us...with you his son? I have no idea I think he is locked up in that lab stuck in a time period trying to fix what he helped fuck up. Ain't no fixing this mess. That's why the last ship to God knows where left us to our own devices.

No one knows where the humans are Wilson? King Leviticus knows he and Queen Psalm and im guessing the cabinet members of silver city. Leviticus said if they come back he will kill them they need to declare Earth a hostile planet and never return. He has presidents in other countries on board with him and I hear 90% of the globes countries back him.

He said the United States is his and his alone if they try it he will kill them before they land. Ten years ago I hear king Leviticus sent a transmission to them they received it five years later you know those new space transmissions take time. What did it say Wilson?

Planet Earth is a hostile planet. If you return you will be infected with R-19 and retuned to your new home planet. I advise you not return for any reason the only thing for you on Earth is death.

Sister Marks in 6A lived in Silver city when she found her daughter was here Leviticus secured passage for here to reunite. She was one of his former secretaries she said they sent back a transmission again received five years later that is 10 years passed. The transmission had 1 word and one only Declan. What was it?


Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now