Silver City

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Chapter 11

The next morning, the team left the lab with everything they found and packed. Most of it belonged to Declan for his new lab and the rest for trade. They found a lot of good shit and all of them found fur coats in car trunks. Declan wrapped the baby gorilla in one to keep it warm. Then he wrapped it onto his body.

On the way back down, they collected more shit sneakers and shoes off the dead clothes for kids, and adults collecting is what added an hour to the walk home.  Declan didn't mind the gorilla had excitement in its eyes he almost saw it grinning up at him. Declan smiled back, ruining and was its cheek.

You niggas can't hold any more shit yall got stuff tied to ya heads legs backs and arms. Haha look at Malloy dragging a damn sleigh in the snow pilled to the brink and Regent has a damn shopping cart with no wheels. The teenagers laughed as they struggled back to five points. Every one was happy they made it back and excited they had so many new items to trade or simply give away.

They laughed at them all in fur coats and jackets knowing the heat they hold was no good for their skin but could be used as sheets or rugs. Declan revealed the baby gorilla everyone was silent. His mother bit Scott and now she is dead. This is all that was left of her.

The children gathered around excited be gentle its just a baby and is zombie like us so be very nice this is not a pet but your brother or sister. What is it Declan? I don't know yet. Chatters of a cure filled the air with excitement as the team divided the items they carried back amongst themselves. Take my stuff to my lab Shock please. He have him a thumbs up locking Declan's Items in the laboratory.

He went to Harlan and his bedroom hi baby kissing her cold cheek. He showed her the baby Gorilla she held out her arms grinning we have a baby now. Yes we do we are proud parents its mother bit Scott but she was dead when I found her this is what she was protecting and why Scott was bitten by her bae.

How is he holding? So far so good. Okay is Ruth taking photos everyday and drawing blood as I asked? Yes baby I commanded her to she is on it. You didn't have to command her as he stripped and Harlan ran him a cold water bath.

In my bag is a baby pajama and pampers please dress the Gorilla. Harlan was gentle awww look Declan it's a girl. You sure Harlan? Yes Declan Im sure my dad was a vet remember? Oh yes baby sorry I forgot. Harlan was cooing and kissing her head what's her name Declan?

Suzy. Suzy? Why not a black name? Like what? Latisha or Kira? No her name is Suzy. Okay okay Suzy it is. Suzy I guess you do look like a Suzy baby huh?

Harlan heard arguing from the lobby she looked out her bedroom window Deck you better get down there. For what baby Im tired? You know Shock gambles since he came back with so much shit the Zombies he owes want first dibs.

Fuck! Decline wrapped in a towel he went to the lobby with his machete that was way worse then a gun to a Zombie more deadly.

Take Shocks haul to my lab office I will see every one he owes tomorrow starting at 10. Bring your markers no payment markers no payment. One payment per marker and the payment will be the equivalent to the marker. I wont pay a diamond necklace on a $3 marker is that clear? Yes Declan. Good medicine goes to the clinic we all know that so do not ask even minor shit like bandaids. They nodded yes I'm tired it's late clear the lobby anyone that lives off the compound if you are not sleeping in someones Quarters go home.

Zombies left to sleep in RVs cars tents and some went to the high rises they cleared in the winter a lot of Zombies who had apartments slept outside for self preservation. In the summer those same RVs were empty. What are you all doing?

Queen Harlan has us on Ice Block Storage duty tonight Declan. How many blocks of ice has the Hudson River given us tonight? A lot on account of last nights blizzard we are in 50 blocks right now freezer 4 is almost full.

Break it up to make more space guys. Queen Harlan said leave large pieces for her to sleep on in summer. Make freezer 1 her personal freezer yes? Yes Decline thank you. Yall come see me to pick some items out foe ya families. Thank you Declan. Any time guys call it a night in a hour lock the place up. Yes sir. How is the tug boat I found holding up? She is doing way better then that cheap water taxi you found. We got to the intrepid to late all the army battle ships were gone. What were you going to do with those Declan? Turn them into a floating condo what else? Haha your brain never stops working man. Nope still looking for a stray cruise ship maybe the storms will float one to me man. They got em in silver city Deck.

You kidding me. Nope I was there when King Leviticus docked the mother fucker himself what a sight he and Queen Psalm housed 300 Zomm that night it was wonderful. They good Zombies huh man? No Declan they good people good night. Good night guys.

The men smiled as the six of them struggled carrying large heavy blocks of ice chit chatting about Zomm women in silver city. Declan? He looked up to Harlan yes baby? Suzy needs a bottle. Of? Milk and water. Is she Zombie or not? She is she can stand the cold but she eats food Declan we need human food for her.

I'll handle it baby. Okay. Declan walked to get a bottle milk and water. Ruth waited on the wall around a corner she hugged and kissed him his dick rising under the towel for her. I miss you she mouthed.

Declan put his head to hers smelling her hair he walked away leaving her unwillingly dreaming of the day he could escape with her to silver city.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now