Leviticus Street Talk

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Chapter 28

I think it's time you learn about King Leviticus and exactly the zombie we will be dealing with when we arrive in Silver City Declan. What do you know about King leviticus, what have you heard? I'm sure there were many rumors floating around when he began to take over the United States. What did you hear during the uprising and the clearing of the red zombies out of red zones?

To be honest Sheriff I didn't hear much, all I heard was Leviticus was clearing out red zones making it safer for existing zombies who still had their wits about them somewhat to be safe outside of Silver City. Then I heard rumors that he got into something with the Russians, and he was going to claim the United States for himself and lock up all the borders into the United States. Is any of what I shared with you, Sheriff, true?

Yes, Declan, all of that is true, but there is a back story about Leviticus you don't know because you were too young. Everything that happened with Leviticus was classified as top United States secrets. There are things that I don't know about him, and I worked with Sysco labs in connection with the United States Pentagon. I remember seeing Leviticus unconscious right before they injected him with the zomm disease. I thought to myself, "Look how strong he is . How big he is. Why would they choose him to inject such a nasty disease?" I knew that he would be dead within 48 hours, if not less. After the fall of man  I heard he survived the injection. I was in shock, I wondered what is it that they had given him we didn't have?

Before man fell, I did some snooping around. Leviticus was sentenced to either prison or the military. If he had chosen to go to prison, he would have chosen death by electrocution. He was set up by some Senator's accused of a murder he did not commit. Don't get me wrong, Leviticus was the black bastard son of a sicilian mob boss who sat at the head of the five Italian families for the United States.

The only son that the mob boss had because his wife could only produce female children. Without choice, he's was forced to train Leviticus to take his position as head of the five families. Do you think those Sicilian bosses wanted a nigger sitting at the head of their table and a bastard nigger at that a half breed Italian? That was not happening on their watch so they made shit happen and what was that? Setting Leviticus up for murder he did not commit.

I have no idea what happened between Leviticus getting infected and breaking Free of the United States government labs, but somewhere up in there while the streets were chaotic and man was running wild killing one another dying Leviticus managed to kill every member of the five families that set he and his father up for that murder.

While man was scrambling trying to save themselves from zombies Leviticus walks through zombies unscathed. Not only did he kill the families he killed their bloodlines  children, grandchildren hell he killed the maid and the dogs. Nobody lived that is the type of mind that we are dealing with.

On top of it he is a scientific genius there are no levels to what he knows about the zombie disease basically we're going in blind I'm letting you know what type of person we're dealing with.

I want you to have a conversation with your boys anybody jump up will get beat the fuck down and killed on the spot and then he will fry the person's brains and flesh and eat it as we finish our presentation. Don't take me the wrong way he is a very good King but he tolerates zero disrespects and he will end it on the spot with violence if he has to so please before I have to take any one of you guys home in pieces, that is whatever is left that he did not eat off of that please speak to your people and make them understand who exactly are we going before.

I will have a conversation with everyone sheriff and let them know to make no sudden moves and to be 100% respectful and not to cut him off as he speaking to maintain their composure.There is  no one going that has a hot temper everything should go according to plan.

Sheriff  was tired it was a long day, he was there from 4:00 a.m. and it was 10:00 p.m.  Sheriff why don't you just stay in the East wing with us we have plenty of space you and you can spend the night with Susie I'm sure she would love that.

If you like I can have a suitable bed bought into her room so you can sleep in her castle with her making her feel extra princess like. I would love that and I'm sure she would too declan. Let's say you are family you are not a guest you're welcome to stay if you want.

When all of this is over no matter the outcome you're more than welcome. If you want a suite in the senior citizen tower or here on the main compound with the other Silverback and  babies.  My doors are always open  Sheriff please believe that.

Thank you Declan I may take you up on that when all this is over it can be lonely living alone and not having any type of human contact but now that I've seen who you are, and what type of kids you guys are it really did my heart good and made me feel warm again. And I'd like that if you would have me.

As I said you are welcome to come be with us here if thing's don't pan out in Silver City. We need a father figure around here remember a lot of us were bitten and turned zombie before the age of maturity of the brain which is 25 most of us turned between 13 and 19. We kind of lost out on a lot of things we should have learned and matured knowing.

I'm glad you said it and I didn't have to the two zombies laughed at the thought of Declan being immature mentally.

The meeting day came fast upon them Sheriff woke to all medical staff lined up for his inspection. Every member of the lab had a freshly ironed and starched lab jacket on with their name on the right chest and the name of the lab on the left chest.

When Sheriff saw what name Dec chose he smiled and nodded in approval running his ape-like fingers over the silver embroidered name. Declan and Ruth handed Sheriff a box it was white with a red bow.

The teenagers smiled and nudged one another excited  he was going to open a gift from them all. That gift is from everyone here Sheriff we are all appreciative that you're helping on this journey, and without your research and assistance we would not be here today.

This moment is also for you as it is for us go ahead open it Declan said with excitement and wonder in his eyes. Sheriff pull the bow opening the gift he pulled a custom-made lab jacket to fit his body that was now half human and half ape he grinned because on his left lapel it said Medical Lab Director.

He shook the box and heard a rattle what's this? He pulled out three gold chains with diamond medallions on the bottom of each one, he also pulled out a mink full length black coat to go with the gold chains and a pair of vintage gazelle glasses 1980 retro.

The teens laughed at the expression on his face but he swore when they had a celebratory party he would wear The Ensemble just because it was the first gift he gotten in over three decades.

Ruth came with her Polaroid camera and took pictures of the entire team she made sure to take photos of Declan and sheriff and Susie in one and her second and Susie and another. She also wanted her own photo with that Deck and Sheriff alone, Ruth made sure to take all individual pictures of the team as requested and together to remember the day they band together to pitch their idea to the king of zombies and Silver City.

They walked to the dock to get on declan's Old tugboat but shock pulled up on a expensive yacht they laughed and clapped as he docked the boat on the Raggedy pier. What is this I said no flare and fanfare? Sheriff grinned. This is not stunttin this is simply our transportation from Manhattan to the shores of Silver City get on the boat sheriff and be thankful  we have a reliable source of transportation to get there.

Okay okay y'all got me let us go on and do this presentation do we have everything we need? We loaded the boat last night to make sure we would leave nothing behind.

Good Declan with that in mind let's go all of you say a small prayer because trust me we are going to need it.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now