Patient Zero

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Chapter 23

Three Months Later

DAMN! Ruth looked out the office door to the main lab Suzy signed.  Declan upset. Yes, baby, he is. Why? Suzy signed with question marks in her eyes? He needs help finding a cure for humans. Like daddy? Ruth smiled yes like daddy. Ruth left Suzy with her puzzles and dolls. She tossed the ball to X, playing with him. Ruth bought Declan ice water with salt.  Queen Psalm said salt preserves the Organs. He sipped it fast, slamming the glass down glued to his magnifying glass. Declan?

Yeah, baby? I think you should go see the sheriff. Why? You got the original book from the old man, right? Yep, the origin Zomm infection manual. I think if you share your work, he may have the missing part invite him here.

Ruth sheriff ain't the invite to tea type his looks he is embarrassed he did that to himself I saw him test the drugs on himself he said they did that how when I saw a video he made pumping the drug in his own arm? Deck everyone was desperate even though dad we got lucky he experimented on us and himself and our organs not only still function but aren't rotting.

We need a booster one time a year. Everyone was self testing. People just wanted to save man, and desperation makes you give in to the mad scientist in you. I guess you're right, baby.

Invite him for brunch. I will have a chef hook it up, and I will make candied mint water....she hugged him her engagement ring on. When are we going to make love? Are you afraid, Ruth? I can be gentle. She pulled her hands back, and he pulled them back on him, kissing her palms. Did I do something wrong?

What if you have to go back with Harlan? Hyena's are saying she is trying to get you back. Baby, have you seen Harlan? No. Why is that? She stared blank. Jax is keeping her safe her life is in danger she did a lot of Zom dirty before I came she ain't been out of that room. I have the cooks bring her meals and ice since all the rooms have a drain system. If they say that its' a lie.  I love you baby please okay? Now you know why we broke up. You had pneumonia when we came it was the middle of January. You were dying a zombie death.

You needed a place to get well this was it. I could not keep you and we stay. I was hers and hers alone. If I said no, we had to leave. I worked with the hand i was dealt all I did baby ALL of it was for you. Ruth dabbed her eyes. You know this i never told her I was in love or I wanted to marry her.

I asked you as soon as we get to Silver City, then it's done, baby. Tonight, Ruth whispered. Declan shook his head. Yes, go with Suzy, and your guard set the night to music.  Haha, I love that song. Check the vinyls it MAY be there. Ruth clapped. Come on, Suzy. Holding the toddler size apes hand. 

Declan dressed he took Shock Jax and Tokyo with him. Jax and Toke replacing Time and Regent. Jax was hesitant. What's up? Jax spit it out Declan requested before they took the horses to ride out bareback. You took ya best henchmen out, and they never came back alive. You never said what happened. You sleep in the room with the woman who sent them for my head, and you haven't asked her Jax?

I'm asking you, Deck. Im going to say this once, and that is only because we cant have be in the fallen world and not have each others backs. We went salvaging as you know we broke the houses up on one block evenly. I went only side of the street they were across.

I was looking at records when regents bitch ass caused me to break a Nina Simone I look up the nigga got a gun in my fucking face. Then I hear Time who has a gun at back. Two against one.

Regent tells the truth before he was gonna kill me. Said be wanted Harlan and she was sanctioned the kill because I was fuckin Ruth which we all knew was a lie. A dog jumps on Time tearing his fucking arm off we know his time was limited on decay any way because he stank after bathing.

As the dog attacked his ass I shot regent then Time any questions? How do we know that be true? Shock used sign Harlan taught him so he knew what he was saying. Nigga I heard the dog growling half a block away followed by 1 shot when I came in Time was alive begging Deck not to kill him saying it was Regent Idea. I was in the kitchen ear hustling making sure I wasn't next if Deck lost his mind.

I heard all of it! They tried to kill this nigga and they failed case fuckin closed now can we go I got a date tonight. Hahah they laughed Date!? Jax teased wit who? None of y'all business! He signed. One of them girls was ugly before being Zomm Tokyo teased.
Fuck you toke! Haha.

They headed to the lab to see if they could find Sheriff. Wait here. Shock slammed his hands together in disagreement. I will be fine shock wait here. Decline went in the building to find sheriff. He checked every floor of the 23 floor building and could nor find him on bis way out....

What you want boy? Declan pulled his own compilation of all the researchers together and his formulas but there was missing link.... Something was off. Slide it boy.

Declan slid the manuscript down the long dusty corridor Sheriff picked it up reading it. He pushed back his hoodie tossing his reading glasses on to get a closer look. Then he began to pace up and down the hall turning pages interested slow.

Who did this? Who's work and formula is this? Which one Sheriff?  The mix off all our works Declan. Mine that icy formula that's why I needed Suzy I thought her blood would....

Sheriff smiled hahah! Wiping his eyes page 19 the sustaining serum who did this? My father. Your father? Andre was your father? Yes why? They fired andre said his research wasn't a cure. They weren't looking foe life sustaining but a fix magic remedy a miracle Elixir! Not realizing to get to the emerald city its not always a straight line down the yellow brick road.

He hooped like a monkey between words. Come closer child. Declan walked a few steps. Closer. He walked in the light across from him. Sheriff raised his arm his half gorilla half human hand rubbing Declan's skin soft.  Turn around. Declan was hesitant if I wanted to kill you boy you would been dead the day you took Suzy.

Declan turned around Sheriff pulled a stethoscope moving it around his back listening foe vital organ function. Ill be damned that fool did it! How many injections?

The first then a booster monthly I needed the lab equipment to produce more booster I was running out. Your lungs heart kidney do you shit and piss? Yes Sheriff. Your eyes he lifted his lids no sign of Zombie infection yet you are Zombie. How were you infected?

Declan looked away. My father infected me said he had to for the serum to preserve me before being bitten. He said I was going to get bitten but no one knew when or how. If he infected me and gave me the serum directly after before the first signs showed id live longer for a cure to come along.

It sound crazy but he was right look at you. He gave the book back. That's for you. I don't need it I've seen all I need you are right you are missing something the antigen blood from the one first infected patient Zero.

That's why I am here I heard that person is you sir. I am not the very first infected Declan.

Then who is sir?

King Leviticus.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now