The Plan

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Chapter 32

Sirens and bells went off in the compound waking Ruth Sheriff and Declan's team. Ruth hopped up with Baby Susie. Where is Declan? She looked around and panicked he was nowhere to be found. Sheriff hopped up, getting dressed as quickly as he could grabbing his glasses he ran to the door sliding on his lab jacket to blend in as he ran in the same direction as security.

When he arrived at the destination, they were headed he saw Leviticus lifting Declan off the floor, twirling him around as though he were a child. Sheriff! Get in here! Leviticus called to him through glass lab doors. Look! Leviticus pointed to the magnifying glass.  Sheriff wiped his eyes, not believing what he saw look through the scope. Sheriff looked in his eyes widened. Is this what I think it is gentleman? Absolutely, Sheriff!

Declan yelled, "You were right!" It  was patient 0 we needed!  The three zombies jumped up and down. Happy patient zero was Leviticus, and the missing link they needed to make vaccine number one ending the zombie infection for mankind.

There is one thing you Zomm has to add to the vaccine. What is that King leviticus? I will have you speak with Syria she performed a surgery on me many decades ago, removing the aging chromosome. This is why, as a zombie, I have not aged nor has my wife. In order to keep from dying fast, we have to add an age-breaking chromosome agent in the vaccine so the Zomm race can not age rapidly.

I should have known that that is the reason you look the same as you did when I saw you at Sysco labs so long ago. Why didn't I think of that? It only makes sense to slow down the aging process, slowing zombie deterioration. 

Sheriff tapped his pen to the table, looking in the sky, thinking about the compounds they used to create the vaccine and the formula. I think we may be able to put it in. However, if we can't, maybe Syria can assist in creating a vaccine specifically to break the aging chromosome as an alternative to surgery.

If not, then the surgery would have to take place first, and then the zombie vaccine lasts. We have to sit down as a medical team and decide which vaccine should be given first in accordance with the other vaccines that have been created over the decades for those who are already infected with the zombie 19 virus.

There's more Sheriff Declan grabbed his arm turning him to face the door that he came through all you see before you belongs to us King Leviticus has extended his invitation for us to live in Silver City and this will be our research moving forward. Sheriff's added this is a lot to think of, but I'm in Sheriff laughed touching Leviticus his arm reassuringly. What about you, Declan?

I have to discuss it with Ruth Sheriff I have my reservations to be honest I promised the people of Five Points that I wouldn't leave them I was hoping for something else possibly this type of lab built in five points? And I could go back and forth between here and Silver City maybe a couple of times a month to go over things with Sheriff ultimately I'd like a governorship over five points if that's possible King leviticus.

Declan, you can have whatever the hell you want? If you want this whole building, you can have it. I'm so happy I'll give you the shirt off my back he laughed at King leviticus' excitement because finally, the Cure was found.

We also have a secondary manual to explain how the compound came together. Part of it is because Sheriff was infected, and this is a part of what happened to him he became half man and half ape. Then he injected a pregnant Silverback with his DNA and doing so the children she gave birth to are as you see Susie very smart and walking as a human toddler.  The cure for the zombie disease came from Susie's blood and sheriff's blood.

Mixing the blood with my father serum and your blood created The Cure we did not include Sheriff's findings nor his DNA profile in the main books instead we have marked the confidential for the eyes of you and whoever you being fit to see it for for the protection of sheriff and his daughter Susie I hope that's okay King Louis Vuitton that is fine Declan don't worry about it I know about confidential documents and top secret situations because you're looking at one the three zombies live and broke open a bottle of blood champagne drinking is a lab with the rest of the medical staff that showed up to celebrate. King Leviticus, may I ask a personal favor, please? Of course Declan, what part of you can have whatever you want, didn't you understand? Declan whispered to him he smiled of course anything you need don't worry about it.

Declam rush back to his room and left Sheriff behind to discuss more details he went to tell the team that it worked the shouts and screaming that came from the teenagers rattled through the vents of Silver City they heard them all the way in the lab laughing at their excitement. He offered you a ride here in Silver City? Ruth asked with love and care in her eyes.

Yes Leviticus has offered all of us a space here and Silver City as a team Sheriff already accepted he is staying here to go over everything and watch things on a day-to-day basis, but I asked King Leviticus if he could set a lab up in our compound and five points and he said yes. He also said that I could have whatever I wanted, including the governorship over not just five points, baby but the entire Manhattan Island.

I would have to come back and forth to Silver City 2 to 3 times a week to work with sheriff and stay over sometimes if it were late but he was okay with that because he knew I could not leave my people behind and unattended. What we set up in Five Points was as important to me as what he is  building here in Silver City.

Declan and his medical team were in Silver City for 30 days, setting up the lab and getting things together so Sheriff would be able to move easy as He adjusted to living in Silver City.

Declan and Ruth took Susie back with them to Five Points. The sheriff allowed it because he needed to  concentrate on the new rules and regulations set forth by Silver City and work with Leviticus' Team without interruptions.

Jax stayed behind with Sheriff in hopes he could see Harlan when she did not have to work with Queen Psalm.  They were still dating on her downtime. The queen allowed her to visit with Jax if he wasn't in security classes to lead in five points according to Silver City Rules. 

Ruth shocked and Declan arrived at Five Points they called an immediate meeting informing everyone they found the Cure and patient Zero's blood did work. Declan also explained that Leviticus would be sending people to set up professional labs in the compound and that he was now assigned as Governor over all of Manhattan and not just Five Points.

The citizens of Five Points were overly happy everyone rejoiced  that they'd be saved as zombies through vaccines, and they were now in the presence of the governor of Manhattan Island and not just Five Points.

Declan created staff and teams just like he saw in Silver City they found white paint painting the building and the inside completely white, just like in Silver City. Decline tried to mimic the look so that when his surprise would happen, it would look beautiful.

Declan spoke to a few of the female zombies in Five Points, and he asked them for special favors. They were overjoyed with what he asked, and Declan asked the senior citizens for a different favor, and of course, they agreed. Everyone was a buzz. No one was unhappy. This was a new day in Five Points, and everyone was a part of it.

The world was cured everything was going to change, and with prayer mankind could be what it was once again.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now