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Chapter 34

40 Days Later Five Points New York City The Isle Of Manhattan.

Five points was busy they gave the place a face lift. Suzy woke kicking her human foot in the air smiling. Why are you so happy susie? Secret she signed. Okay Ruth grinned.

Ruth walked in the hall the seniors asked to see her. She went with them leaving Susie with Declan say by Ruth. Susie waved bye. Did you take a bath yet? Susie nodded yes. Okay lets get you in your dress. Declan dresses Susie placing a crown on her head taking out her rollers as Heidi showed him. Knock knock Heidi entered I came for Susie.

You look beautiful she signed. Thank you. No chocolate Deck signed. Declan please! Susie signed. Declan grinned asked your daddy. No fair! Yes it is fair waving his hands grinning kissing her forehead. They exited and shock entered how do I look he signed to Declan. You look good nigga where is Scott? Meeting us downstairs thanks for today Deck assistant Governor Shock held his head down. Don't start that shit Shock.

Why did you choose me? Why not choose you? You saved my life more times then I care to recall you have a degree from MIT which you failed to reveal all this time and you were NYPD. How do you know all that Deck?

Leviticus has every mainframe that was in the world before the fall of man he even has access to KGB files. If he can lift a finger print he knows who you are. The day we visited and left he ran our prints. Did you know Harlan was a whore?

Shock's jaw dropped she was arrested 27 times and was released from jail under the zombie law all prisoners  released due to fall of man she was serving a 10 year sentence home invasion she was down two. Guess what jax was? What? A defense lawyer. Hahaha makes sense always saving her ass.

Her defense lawyer. Shock shook his head signing no fucking way. Yep. The world is a small place but it is what it is how do I look shock? Wonderful Governor. Don't start that shit. Shock and Declan made it downstairs. They joked and mingled.

Places! A senior citizen Zombie yelled the double doors pushed open pink and purple lights shone with star falling confetti from Five points kids tossing it off the veranda giggling as they were told to do by mother senior the oldest Zomm among them.

Ruth appeared trying not to cry. She wore a wedding gown light pink her favorite color with rhinestones all over her dress. Her vale was adorned in silk baby roses that dragged the floor behind her. The engagement ring on her finger sparkled a mile away matching her entrancing smile. She arrived at the alter Susie walked in front of her toward her father Sheriff who stood next to shock. Susie sat next to Heidi when she made it to the front putting the basket down of pink and red silk rose petals she dropped being the flower girl for Ruth.

Declan held out his hand Ruth lay hers on top of it. They turned to the Zombie performing the ceremony. We are gathered here today too join Declan Andreas and Ruth Victory together in an unbreakable bond.

It is a good thing with a zombie male find a zombie wife someone to walk this life with. A woman who knows where it hurts and a man who finishes your sentences. Ruth and Declan haves been together since they were children Their love survived the fall of man kindled during the  rebuilding of civilization and flourished finding the healing serum to cure mankind.

Ruth Elizabeth Victory do you embrace the love Declan has and wants to share with you eternally? I do. Do you Governor Declan Andreas promise to care for your wife, accept her counsel And cherish her love as long as you are joined? I do.

Who turns responsibility for this woman over to the Governor of this Isle? I do Dr. John Kennedy Sheriff.  The rings please. Shock passed Declan Ruth's ring and Heidi passed Ruth Declan's Ring.

Please place the ring on her finger. Declan slipped the white gold diamond band on her finger.  Ruth placed matching ring on his finger. Rings he purchased from the silver city jeweler. 

By the power invested in me as the King of the United States, Russia and Canada and counsel of Silver City I King Leviticus and my wife Queen Psalm pronounce you Governor and Governess you may kiss your beautiful bride.

Declan kissed Ruth lifting her off the floor everyone clapped and cheered as they ran down the isle to the reception and after party. They had a cocktail hour away from the party with the wedding party Psalm and Leviticus.

Psalm pulled Ruth alone in a room this is for you the two woman sat Ruth opened the gold envelope. Ruth held her mouth crying. It's okay I know the feeling. Thank you Ruth cried. Shhhh pat--

Don't wipe Ruth giggled. Declan and Leviticus entered everything okay in here Queens? Yes lee I was giving Ruth a gift from me. She passed the envelope and its contents to Declan.

He read it opening his arms for a hug and kiss from his new wife. That is wonderful baby. Ruth turned to Leviticus when I was in silver City Queen Psalm explained you had a son Prince David who is married to Princess Genesis. I had no idea David was your natural son.

I was worried I could not conceive Queen Psalm ordered a test fore but the day I was to get results we had to return to Manhattan Isle. The results say there is a 97% chance I can have a baby because of Dr. Andreas Organ preserving serum now we know it can assist women with fertility as well my king.

That is wonderful news you can begin procreating replenishing the world assisting my son David and his wife Genesis who has 14 human children and two Zomm mix. May I propose a toast? The four Royals held up blood infused champagne filled crystal flutes.

To New life! May God bless you to be fruitful and multiply replenishing the world with Zomm, human children or a beautiful mix of both! Glasses rang out tapping in celebration.

Congratulations Governor and Governess Mr. & Mrs. Declan Andreas! SALUTE! 💞

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now