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Chapter 29

They pulled up in Silver City when they arrived they were stopped at the doc by security. What are you taking inside the security guard Acts Declan. We are taking everything we need for the medical presentation and some overnight bags with clothes in it for the team. Okay, everything that you are taking inside of the compound is left on the dock, and we will make sure it gets to its proper destinations after a search, of course. No problem, but there is one book we have that must stay with us because it is confidential and for King Leviticus his eyes only. May we see it, please?

Of course Sheriff handed them the confidential file they look through it and handed it back it's fine you can take that inside with you your meeting with King Leviticus and his medical team will be today at 3:00 p.m. sharp, we will come to escort you to the meeting room when it is time. In the meantime, you are welcome to walk around the corridors of the compound where everyone eats and has other activities there are there is plenty for you to do until the meeting. If you prefer to remain in your room and relax, we can have an array of food or drink or both brought to you until your meeting. Yes, please, we would like that. Thank you for your hospitality.

Susie was carried in wearing a mink jacket for a little girl. Everyone stared and pointed smiling at her because she looked like a human girl in the face but had qualities. Her hair was long, and it was real like a human girl. Ruth brushed combed and curled it, making her look more human than animal. She even walked upright like a human toddler in her early months she was like a champ, but now she seemed more human than anything else.

Sheriff smiled and waved at the Silver City children, and they smiled and waved back. He was surprised they were not screaming or upset that a half man half a walked their corridors in peace. I guess living in Silver City, there was not much they did not see growing up in the same compound as people who come from all over the world to speak with King Leviticus about a possible cure.

Maybe he did not look as hideous as he thought he had. Once the team was escorted to their sweets they all remained in the same sweet with Ruth and Declan, they enjoyed all the Exotic healthy drinks prepared by Leviticus chefs for them to enjoy there were even Flesh on crackers, the flesh was so crispy and so thin they had no idea how it was played or sliced when they did it it was crispy and light as air falling apart on their tongue tasting like something different to all of them.

In the bathroom the water was freezing cold and felt like ice if you wanted to take an ice bath all you had to do was rain and they would bring chunks of broken ice pouring it in the tub for you while you enjoyed a cucumber salt Spa bath. Declan Harry, come look Ruth called to her man with excitement look at the jacuzzi we can have a cucumber ice bath tonight want Susie Falls asleep. Why don't you guys ask me to watch Susie while you enjoy your conversations as a future husband and wife?

It ain't been that long since old Sheriff was married and know what it's like to want to be alone with your woman in such a beautiful and romantic setting. It's been a while since we've been treated, and this is definitely the life Sheriff looked out the glass window onto Silver City it was just like the old world. Electricity, gas, cars rolling around children walking up and down the street with balls bouncing laughing and playing. Hopscotch courts drawn on the streets with colorful chalk as children played and ran away from their mother's who beckoned them to come back because they were running too fast.

It was like a dream he didn't want to wake from now he understood why everyone wanted to live in the infamous city because Leviticus turned it into the world before they'd lost everything. Declan Ruth and Sheriff stared out the window. Ruth grabbed Declan's hand. From the way she held him, he knew she wanted to live and silver city, but what would he do with all the people he left back in five points?

There was no way he could take the lead and then leave all his people behind. Without him, the people would surely perish. Maybe if he was granted  governorship and had the backing of King Leviticus, it would be easier supply wise to turn five points into a baby Silver City.

With time and patience, he could make it what laid before him. However, before he could dream such a vast dream, he needed to convince King Leviticus that a sample of his blood could be the antidote to bring man back to what he once was.

Come baby, let us enjoy the feast before us no telling when we are going to be able to eat like this again. For all we know, we may not get past page one. Now I didn't come this long way for you to begin speaking negatively against yourself Declan I love you and whatever happens here today we are all proud of the long way you've taken us and that you a teenager have gotten us to this point.

What you're not going to do is down yourself, down this project, nor all the work that we did to get us here, isn't that right, guys? Absolutely, they said as a team, Sheriff Grand, at the love he and Russia, and how supportive they were of one another in good and bad times. He wasn't sure they made women like her anymore, but it was evident she came from a good family where her mother taught her how to properly love the black man.

There was a knock at the door 30 minutes prior to the presentation shock opened the door smiling allowing the attendance to come in hello my name is Asia and I am your meeting attendant today we will be leaving go to the conference room for you guys to set up before King Leviticus Queen song and the medical team come in. Is there anything you may need from us prior to the meeting? Yes ma'am we need pens for King Leviticus to possibly take notes and maybe pads for each member that will be present today, I'm sorry we didn't have any pen and paper to offer.

That's okay King Leviticus has laptops and his team tablets they make notes of everything they are shown and if your presentation proves to be something that he is interested in you will definitely know before the meeting is over there is no wait time when it comes to medical break through's so that's a good thing. She smiled, putting her hands together prayerfully.

I hope you guys have something because we need something good to happen for us medically. Things have been at a standstill, and medical staff has not come to Silver City and over two years' time. Prior to that, when they did come, it was the same thing over and over, nothing fresh and new.

I'm praying you guys have something we can go on, even if it's a small or tad bit of work that we can use to assist in the  eradication of this disease.

If you guys follow me, your conference room is this way there is water on the table and other condiments in case you want something before the meeting begins. Once again, welcome to Silver City, and good luck.

Oh my gosh, I almost forgot Ruth handed Amy off to Declan and grabbed the double gift boxes from the bed. we don't want to forget these, do we baby? No rules, we don't kiss her on the lips. How do I look?

You look fine to clean she whispered," Stop worrying, we got this, right baby? " That's all you need to keep telling yourself everything is going to work out fine she straightened his tie and brushed his face with her soft hand. Come on, we've got to go meet the king.

It was 3:00 then 3:00 turned to 3:30 then 3:30 turn to 4:00 p.m. Leviticus and his medical team entered Ruth and Declan and were in shock when they saw Queen song with Harlan. Leviticus was sad with his wife while Harlan stood next to security. In another shock, Declan and his team kneeled before King Leviticus and Queen song knowing that that was what they were told to do when their boat docked at the Royal Pier. Leviticus began to speak to the team first.

I am sorry we are late. This never happens. This woman got off your boat and states that you Declan raped her. Is this true?

We have heard her side now we want to hear yours. Declan Leviticus said, sipping hibiscus infused ice salt water with a blood back shot waiting on a response.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now