Red Carpet Test Run

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Chapter 27

Sheriff sat in the lab, staring as the teen medical team walked in wearing mink coats and jackets with no shirts. Gold chains dripping in diamonds, gold rings on every finger, expensive sneakers, boots, vintage fitted baseball caps, and expensive eyewear.

In classic teenage form, they adorned everything from the free world they would not otherwise be able to afford had the world not fallen at their feet. Rest assured, everything they had was 100% genuine real diamonds. Sheriff was sure they retrieved them from  bodies of the dead a house scavenge or, if  lucky, and then then will come diamond store that had not been bumped off at the fall of man.

What the fuck is this? We are not going to a red carpet video music award show, we are going before the king of the United States nigga's, it's the same as going before the president if we still had one.

How the fuck do you expect King Leviticus to take us serious if all of you walk in looking like you just stepped off a God damn rap video? Declan you should know better in all the videos you looked at, all the presentations you saw on these old laptops of scientific professionals, including mine and your father's, did any of us look like we just stepped off of BET?

No Sheriff we were just trying to make a statement, to show we're not poor or down trodden. Do you think King Leviticus does not know who sits before him? He has scouts everywhere trust me when I say he knows every detail about everyone walking into Silver City he does the Zomm was a human genius why do you think the military chose him?

I told you the zombie is not a fool he does his research have you?. If he were not interested in what we had to say, he would have never agreed to the medical parlay to begin with when you guys went back in the early winter months. Now this is what is going to happen everyone here is to wear a white shirt and a black pair of pants with a solid black shoe or boots everyone is to wear a black or navy blue tie and if you don't have a black or navy blue tie, I suggest you go scavenge until you find one. We will all wear brand new lab jackets clean fresh and brand new.

Declan what is the name of your lab? I haven't thought of it yet that's a lot to think of Declan sighed is it really necessary that I have a lab name Sheriff? It would look professional if you had one Declan you have a little time I'd think about it if I were you. Do you guys have a seamstress, tailor or anyone who can sew or embroider names onto our jackets?

There are a few senior citizens that can do this for us but I have to send someone to the building and ask them to come down so they know what we need exactly. Okay get them down here Declan it is imperative everyone is on board right down to the presentation specialists.

I need everyone to go back upstairs take all this Flash and glimmer off and come back down looking like young professionals that live in lower Manhattan before the fall of man. The zombies stood there and did not move, Decline looked up and said whatever Sheriff asks about this presentation you do not need me to give you permission to follow out his order.  He is just as much in charge as I am he is my partner in this vaccine. If you have a problem with that I suggest you step off the project now so that we have no interference when we get to Silver City.

No one left good that means everybody is on board, on deck and will do as they are told. Susie ran across the floor crawling up Sheriff's leg she kissed her father and son and sign to him that she loved him. Susie asks Sheriff if he was there to take her home to see her mother? Do you want to go home Sheriff asked her allowed? No I like it here when I am ready to go home I will let you know that. Are you learning here? Are they treating you human? Because you have my DNA within you that makes you half man and have peace and those two put together equal what Susie Susie Smiles at her father with beautiful brown eyes and signed it equals Perfection dad. Good now what were you about to do baby?

It's time for my nap with Ruth. Okay baby take your nap and I will be here when you wake yes yes dad. I want to show you my new room before you leave I have stuffed animals, toys, books, and even a bike. Really? Sheriff asked his daughter it seems as though you are being treated like a princess from one of the fairy tales we've read. Guess what? I have a fairy tale Crown too Declan said it is real diamonds just like the princesses in the books.

I must see it before I leave, Do you promise to stay awake and show Papa what you're talking about Susie? Absolutely dad. Okay baby have a good nap see you soon. Ruth left with her to ready her for nap.

Is Susie mixed with your DNA Sheriff, did I see you sign that correct to her? Yes Declan that is the other half of my research, I wanted to go over with you privately and since a majority of your staff do not understand sign language and you do, it is best we speak and sign to keep details of Susie and myself as private as possible.

Do you think we will have to explain to King Leviticus what happened with you Sheriff? I mean if we are bringing Susie and you with us as part of the equation of cure they may want a whole dossier on your medical history and how you and Susie came to be. You remain very intelligent and although your appearance may be a little different your mind is still sharp as it was when man fell Sheriff.

Knowing King Leviticus, he will want to know how that's possible, that you still have all of your faculties even with what went on with you chemically. Do you think we should make a separate medical document a confidential document for his eyes only?

I never thought of that Declan but it makes perfect sense, if that is something you want to explore then we can make a private manual marking it confidential for his eyes only explaining how my DNA and research ties into your father's DNA and research equally for the organ saving serum and ultimately if we are right, about patient zero cure.

Did you just hear yourself sheriff? Hot fucking damn. You just named both the vaccine and the potential cure in that one sentence. If you notice in my manual and in my explanation that I left with you I never gave them names and now we have them. We have to go into the computer and change the names thanks to you.

Sheriff was excited about the look in Declan's eyes when he discussed the names of the serum and the potential cure. He recalled going to high school science fairs, and into top high schools within the United States to recruit potential scientists to lead America on bio  weapons or, bio weapon cures which would be the next generation in American scientific history.

Had he run across Declan at a science fair he would be one of the children to be recruited if it were his decision. It was clear to sheriff that Declan inherited his father's scientific mind, scientific genius and love for science. It was evident he passed that excitement down to Declan.

Now if they could only get through the Silver City presentation everything would go  as planned.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now