Moment Of Truth

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Chapter 31

Declan and his team made it back to the room as one. They sat around drinking exotic drinks of Silver City, decoding the whole day of if the drinks were tasty or not. What the fuck was Harlan thinking? Jax asked. I'm so sorry Jax I know how much you love Harlan but maybe after 5 years she will be matured under the guise of Queen Psalm.  Why don't you ask King Leviticus if you can stay?

He can't ask if he can stay in Silver City Ruth, Harlan is serving time for treachery towards Declan. If she had not lied on such a serious thing I'm sure he would have made allowances. Usually she would be made to work in the kitchen or cleaning clothes or some hard time such as that but Queen Psalm has a soft spot for Harlan in her heart and that is what saved her to become one of her lady Maids.

What I want to know is what the heck is exactly a lady made Sheriff? A lady maid Shock  is a woman who helps the queen get dressed and ready for certain events. She is responsible for keeping the Queen's clothing in order her perfume and everything else kind of what Heidi was to Harlan and now Harlan will be that to Queen Psalm. I hope that the Queen does not treat her as horribly as she treated Heidi guys. Ruth rolled her eyes. Doubtful Jax the Queen is renowned for her humility and mercy thus the position of Lady maid.

What do you think about the meeting Sheriff? Declan asked nervously do you think they're interested in our proposal or you think they're just blowing smoke up our ass? If if King Leviticus was not interested in our research we would have been escorted back to the yacht and our ago. Trust me he is very interested in knowing more about these procedures. The team stayed up until about 4:00 a.m. everyone was sleeping except a nervous Declan who looked down at Ruth and Susie rubbing her hand lightly when there was a faint knock at the door.

Declan the only one awake quietly walk to the door cracking it open before him was King Leviticus with no guards dressed in his pajamas.

Step out into the hallway for me Declan please. Declan stepped in the hall and X followed him. Leviticus. Went down grinning you found a dog and a Pitt at that? He saved me from the hitter Harlan sent my way. That's right you did mention him. Declan grabbed his leash handing it to Leviticus is that a diamond collar on his neck? Haha yes my King.

My king what are you doing up at this hour? I can ask the same question I guess we both are awake because we know that your medical research is Iron. clad and if patient zero which is myself blood does work don't you think you and I should be the ones to find that out? The honor should belong to you however you and I should celebrate privately if it is so. Follow me.

Declan grabs his slippers he and X followed Leviticus to his medical labs. I forgot we have gifts for you I won't tell you what it is or my fiance will kill me King leviticus. We searched high and low for the gifts and hope very much that you like them.

I will accept the gifts and if it is what I think it is that I will get up and hug you. Declam laughed it is in all the kingdoms what you like and what you do not like so I hope I got it right. The two some arrived at the lab lights Leviticus shouted  the lights shone on his expensive lab.

Declan walked through the shiny lab his fingers gently rubbing the countertops as if he arrived to the Emerald City this is the most beautiful love I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of labs growing up. This Is your lab Declan.

Declan turned his head swiftly staring at King Leviticus my lab? Yes if you will have us if you stay in Silver City this is just one of the perks of being my lead scientist. We don't know if the serum to save man from the zombie disease works King leviticus, why would you offer me a lab and not know the outcome of the second vaccine?

Not that I'm ungrateful or anything it's just I don't understand. Declan the first vaccine your father created is enough in itself to get you in the door I have not seen a medical mind like your father and yourself in many many years, so for that vaccine alone I offer you this lab as a gift. May I have time to think about it King leviticus? Of course you can counter offer and take your time with the response just know there is always a place for you in Silver City.

The items you bought with you off the yacht have been set up here in this room it is a decontaminant room so anything you may have picked up on the water that may taint the samples  have been destroyed. I was a sterilization process you and I can step inside the room and you may have your sample. We shall see before the rising of the sun if you figured the cure to the zombie disease.

A nervous Declan grabbed a needle drawing the blood of his King Leviticus was in awe staring at his condition still enamored by the fact he was unscathed by the disease. Declan took the sample of blood and divided it seven ways in seven separate machines he then mixed it with his father's serum and the serum from Sheriff. With the three of them combined they would know if Leviticus' blood was the antigen and if he is patient 0 they needed.

This Is The Moment of Truth King Leviticus are you nervous? I'm just as nervous as you are Declan if my heart could pound it would be beating as hard as yours is right now the zombies laughed you can hear my heart? I heard your heart the first time you came to Silver City that's the reason I said come back once you found something concrete.

I knew there was something different about you I just did not know what. The timer rang that means that the sample was complete and ready Declan combined the zombie disease with his father's vaccine and the vaccine created by Sheriff together those three and one compound were dropped against the blood of the first zombie ever King Leviticus.

If the disease broke down after being mixed with the the triple antidote they would know that the zombie disease had been cured but if the disease did not break down, if it remained as strong as it was when they placed it in the petri dish they knew they failed.

Declan looked down in the tray and then he looked away he looked again and then he looked away he paced walking past Leviticus.  He squatted down crying tears falling to the white glossy floor what? Leviticus asked is it the cure?

Come my king take a look.
Leviticus popped up barefoot walking to the microscope he looked down at the sample he willingly gave mixed with the triple serum Declan put on top of his blood when Leviticus began to cry he screamed and hollered so loud guards came running.

Do not place your hands on this zombie dabbing his eyes this is the Zomm that has found our cure ending the Z-19  disease.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now