Test Of Valor

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Chapter 33

Leviticus hung out with Declan the entire time he was in the city.  Psalm! Leviticus called her to the court yard. Ruth walked with Psalm under parasols to keep the sun off. What is this Queen Psalm? You will see. Let me see if you are worthy of a governorship. Leviticus picked up his fists. Declan picked his up. Leviticus swung Declan ducked fast. Your reflexes are fast, Deck.

You are an old man that's expected my king. Hahah Psalm, you hear Deck poppin shit?! I hear, baby. Leviticus hit Declan he grinned as blood fell down his lip. Ruth? Yeah, bae? You wanna tell our king what's coming? A two-piece with a biscuit on the side.

How are you gonna do that, Deck? Declan was punched by Leviticus with his left a south paw. I'm impressed by my king.  Declan punched Leviticus in the ribs, knocking the wind out of him, and then he punched his jaw, followed by a jaw crushing the upper cut, knocking Leviticus in the air off his feet.

Psalm Susie and Ruth stood clapping. Leviticus lay on the sand laughing, breathing winded. Someone knows how to box. Junior Golden gloves three years in a row. I was gonna go pro until you know.

What the hell was that rib hit? You can't just hit the rib. You gotta get under the rib, dig in so deep they loose breath, then you're in. Hit here and here if the first blow does not work, my king. Call me Leviticus Declan, please. Okay, my king. Leviticus grinned.  Ruth passed Leviticus a gift box. 

He opened it, BABY! hahahah. Oh lord, Psalm grinned a pair of beef a broccoli Tims. Open the next box. Where did they come from? A red pair of tims, baby, no brand new! Get this, my king, a white zombies house on Staten Island.  

Hahah white? Yes, sir. What are you all doing on Staten Island? You know that's were dumped zombies when the virus began, right? Them zombies have been out there for almost 30 years. The houses have a LOT of good bounties, my king, and it's an island, so winters there are perfect. The zombies are dragging. There were a few runners, but it will be an easy clean-up for a governorship position. Yeah? Yes, sir. How long on red zombie clean up? The whole Island, I'd say, is 90 days 120 tops. Not bad. Nope, plenty of houses boats and working cars. I got a working pick up and a tug boat from there. I saw that yacht yall rolled in on. Haha, Shock, did that surprised us all. Sounds like a plan Manhattan Governor. Decline chuckled at his new title. You all have a lot of women in five points I hear. Too many not enough men. That will change when I send teams to set up the lab. I am sure they are waiting, my king.

You make me wanna go scavenging again. Decline.  Let's it will be fun. i found 10 keys of coke once. Haha, what did you do with it? Sold it mainly to the old folks they into white lines younger people like pills. Here is my queen. This is for you.

Ruth handed her a box while the lady maids stood watching Harlan was heated. Psalm opened the box, and she gasped Lee look. She held up a lemon tree. My lord lemon trees died in the radiation blast.

Not this one it was in the sub basement of some mansion. I have four more in the compound. All born of this mother tree. Psalm cried. Oh no, Ruth wiped her eyes. Don't wipe.....dad they said together giggling. This is for you as well. Queen Psalm lifted the lid oh my god Lee look!

Just what she needs, he chuckled a box of various garden seeds. Declan found a hardware store there were hundreds of boxes of these we took four of every kind and bought them here. Psalm hugged and kissed Ruth. This is the best gift, thank you.

Look in the red boots. Leviticus put his hand in pulling a canary diamond encrusted chain and a spinning medallion of the globe. Oh wow, he pulled a double set of brass knuckles. Are these yours? No, they were my dad's. No Declan I--

I want a great man to have them, please. Leviticus handed them back to Declan. A great man does have them.

The world is yours, my king turning the globe. This is hard Declan thank you.  Thank you,  it was mine. I wanted you to have it. Look at you walking around, looking like royalty.

Don't ask Sheriff. We got a tongue lashing, haha. Why? To put it like in his words, we looked like we stepped off a rap show runway.

They laughed loudly that bad, huh? Ask sheriff. I sure will.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now