What Is That?

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Chapter 13

Move back! Declan grabbed the crash cart it was dusty as hell cause dead people don't need a heart reboot. Declan cleared it from a hospital, thinking one day they may need it. Clear! Declan placed gel on the paddles now, a former EMT personal said when he heard the machine at full charge. BUMP! Again... clear! BUMP! Declan looked at the EMT guy again. Declan turned up the machine popping Scott again.

The room clapped, and cheering came from the lobby his flatline gave the melodious sound of his heart beating. Get me an IV. The EMT took over, placing an oxygen mask over Scotts face.  Declan shook his head. we couldn't let him die! Keep him alive! Declan knew he needed a life support machine DAMN! Shock, get the team we are going to Sown Town Beekman Hospital.

I know it's a high rise, but the emergency room is on tbe walk in level. we may get lucky, plus don't you need a reup?

He nodded yes smoking weed, he traded a coat for let me hit." Declan inhaled coughing. Shock laughed, taking it back. What the hell is that shit? We call it King Leviticus cause it's strong and will knock you on ya ass he wrote on a pad.

Yeah, well, im sure he would love it, Shock. Oh, you gonna go to Silver City's City's and give him free samples? I thought it was a trade? Oh you grow that one I got you damn that's some strong shit nigga what did you do to it? Your secret okay. The next time we go to Silver city have the shit wrapped as a gift ready to present to him look for a nice box or something okay? Shock grinned nodding yes.

The team headed to the hospital made it in and out in time covering just the first floor. Declan and his crew were on Zombie horses all belonging to Declan. They were the only team that owned and caught Zombie horses in total he owned 12 and a mule which was with them to carry goods.

Declan came back with a long chain with diamonds a cross on the end.  You that's fire the men kept saying thanks matches my others. He walked in the clinic with three life support systems and other medical supplies including wheel chairs and of course medical supplies although scarce. We are not sure if they work Ruth check them if not we will go back tomorrow.

He slipped a gold charm bracelet on her lab coat pocket. Declan went to check Om Harlan and baby Suzy who was now the age of a 1 year old gorilla. I had to teach her to use the toilet. She was trained after 2 tries. Suzy ran to Declan kissing his cheek with her hand open really? Daddy has gifts? He put a pearl bracelet on her arm she ran to show Harlan so pretty baby did you say thank you? She signed thank you. Declan grinned your welcome baby.

The compound was quiet and Scott was heavily sedated. For a Saturday night nothing was moving. Declan went to this bar it was quiet there as well. He went to the canteen trade was going on still he walked around looking at items the other teams bought back. There was a ballerina on a music box she was black which Declan adored he picked it up gently finally bae someone that can afford her his Israeli tracker smiled. What do you want for it?

Seeing that it is tje Queens Husband--

Fiance. My bad he threw up his hands fiance some of Queen Psalm's beauty balm?  A baby jar full? He looked to his happy wife show him baby. She pulled her sleeve her skin was drying up the sign before falling off then she would have to start grafting Judith why aren't you icing? Queen Psalm said you have to ice sheen using the balm.

I hate the cold Declan. You will get used to it go for an ice dip in the pool then go and use the balm on the places that need it most put no clothes on over it these were her instructions. Is that a yes? Yes Scott had six bottles of balm he kept for this reason to help those who really needed it. He went for the balm returned passing it to a happy Judith. The other women ran over to see and smell it.

You made my wife so happy. You didn't need a trade for the oil Israeli. I know I do not like owing people. You are one off my top trackers you can never--

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHBBH! What the fuck? The males grabbed thier weapons and ran to the windows. The light on the weapons pointing into the mild snowy winter night.



Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now