2. Perfect for me.

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"Mr. Jeon? Mr. Jeon??"

My attention focused back on the sinful angel sitting ahead of me while intently staring at me. I smirked.

"Yes, pretty?" I responded back, and i swear to god, for a minute or two, I saw her blush a full crimson while she bit back a huge smile threatening to be on her lips. I wished to smile at her, but I did not. I merely grinned and then proceeded to close my file for the day to get a better look at her. 

She'd worn a pink blouse today, that had a v-cut neckline. I could get a glimpse of her beauty down there, and I singlehandedly wished, I'd get to explore more of it. 

"Mr. Jeon, I've booked the table. But I didn't understand why you booked one for three?", her back was facing me now, as she placed some of the files scattered on the table in the rosewood shelves of my office. 

She was tip-toeing, trying to get to the top shelf to withdraw one of the books after being done with the files, but it was way beyond her reach. I shake my head at her, getting up the very next minute taking long strides towards her to be in hand. 

I stand behind, extending my hand to the destination and pulling out the book. Although, I did read her mind while i was precariously close to her, her body reacted exactly the same. Her shoulders tensed up, her breath hitched in her throat. Her legs were jelly due to the heat that slowly was building between us. 

"Y/n..." I purposely placed my hand on her waist, and i almost saw her melt against my touch before straightening up herself again. This lady drives me nuts. And ironically? I love being driven insane by her. 

"M- Mr. Jeon..." her whimpers were no near effective to me as I twirled her around and pushed her gently against the wood. Our faces were close. One single move, and I'd be kissing her. My mind screamed at me to move, nevertheless, I again tried reading her mind. 

"Is he going to kiss me...? fuck- what about Stella? She will kill me-" 

"Stella won't kill you, baby. I won't let her." I inform her, lightly grazing my thumb on the corners of her rosy cheeks, before backing up to walk to my chair. 

And when I reached to it, I saw her stumble and hold the nearby table for the support. It amused me about how unknowingly sugary she is. Innocent, pure, and shy. Perfect. For. Me. 

"I- I'll be back" She excused herself, practically running as if in a marathon for Olympics, out of my office, and I chuckled at her. She was one hell of a unique woman I met. 

"Ah... Honey, how will I bend you over my table and fuck your brains out if only you sweat and faint by my single touch? What will you do when... I actually bring your not-so-innocent fantasies to reality?" 

It was then past lunch and Y/n was nowhere seen by me. I'd left the cabin for two times and both of them were a waste. I couldn't find the woman anywhere. Getting eventually sick of her disappearance, I decided to contact Monica, the receptionist, about it.

My telephone is well placed against my ear and I dial her number. She accepts after a ring or two and my immediate question is regarding my missing secretary- I didn't greet her either, plainly ignoring her greeting too. Although, she had informed me that y/n was down the town to grab her lunch, it didn't settle well with me. She never had lunch alone.

It was always with me.

We both always ate here in this cabin. Together.

So, what was that serious that she had to skip our lunch and abandon me like this?

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