5. Jungwoo

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My one hand sluggishly settles on Stella's waist as I walk with her to our booked table.

This Restaurant has gotten even classier than I last visited it. I bet, they are going to get good money out of my pocket.

Not that I am usually price-sensitive, however, I am not from a blue-blooded family either. I'm a person of merit, not nepotism.

Everything that I own right now isn't something that was passed onto me by my ancestors, I've earned it. And hence, though it matters the least to me about how much I'm spending, the cost of that item still crosses my mind for once.

Whereas, Stella on other hand is purely opposite. I remember her taking my credit card and spending around One hundred dollars on a bottle of water.

Yes, a bottle of some mineral salt water she saw on advertisement. It had mentioned that it would make her skin 'glowy and young' moreover, she supposedly believed it. Crazy woman.

"Jungkook? Why are there three chairs?"

Stella's right brow twitches, causing me to sigh and then sit on my chair. It's usually her antique when she senses something fishy. Nevertheless, I merely shrug before replying, "y/n's joining us."

"What?" The disbelief in her tones was expected by me. I saw that due to my ovethinking like three hours ago.

"Yes. I have an important court presentation tomorrow and I've assigned y/n to prepare final reporting copies for evidence. I'd have done it in the office but it was your birthday so I had to change the locations."

Her mouth is hanging.

She is almost struck listening to my speech and I raise my eyebrows at her. What was she expecting when she called her two over clingy best friends at our house for my birthday party then?

Not that I wanted any party, but y/n had bought my exactly favorite Strawberry Thyme Cake with Buttercream frosting from a peculiar chef that I preferred. It made me delightful.

Y/n always over considered my preferences and peculiar habitual likes whereas, Stella considered my choices to match her. An example that comes to my mind is the chocolate overly-decorated fudge cake that I didn't appeal to one bit for my birthday.

"But how can she join my birthday?" Stella grits her teeth, her nostrils flaring as I fear she might swallow me raw right now instead of food.

"Well, you called Nayna and Valencia. I didn't complain."

I almost see her opening her mouth to protest then she shuts up and looks away. I am left muddled, this woman fights with me till she can't speak anymore what stopped her now?

"Your guest arrived" she rolls her eyes and I swivel my head to take a glimpse of my y/n.


My heart is at the tip of my tongue and I can feel the fire down my throat. She's a fucking goddess in her extra large printed black tee and white jeans. For the first time I've seen her, my dick hasn't come in It's attention position. Maybe, even my dick finds her adorable as fuck to think dirty.

"What is she even wearing? This is a bloody seven-star restaurant not some food truck of her area."

Although Stella is speaking utter bullshit, my eyes don't leave her. It's been almost a year and I've seen her like this for the first time.

She hits different in her casual clothes. More like someone I'd want to talk to rather than fuck senseless.

I take my phone out of my pocket and call her from the speed dial. I can she her jump a little as she answers my call.

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