10. First Love Story

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As I had predicted, Mr. Jeon had suddenly declared two days off for me while we were eating, and unfortunately, Jungwoo heard it. He came running off like a lunatic and launched onto Jungkook, practically choking him with his bone-crushing hug. However, I felt a bit nauseous at the ponders. 

Was everything that I'd been concluding until now was true? Was Mr. Jeon really hiding something? Because the last time we had a client meeting, I wasn't asked to not participate. In fact, I'm asked to make the significant pointers and later hand it over to Mr. Jeon that'd eventually help him for the study. Something seems really bad right now. 

This Mr. Park man is hanging around my neck like a sword. I need to take him off. I don't get even a single right vibe from him. 

Nevertheless, I shrug all this off when Jungwoo taps on my hand gently in order to ask me where I was lost. To his question, I merely smiled and replied back saying it was nothing, but Jungkook caught onto me and was reading my eyes. 

I immediately vanish my thoughts from my brain and converge my attention on Jungwoo. I always sensed Mr. Jeon could read people like glass. Through and through. 

Never once has his judgement gone wrong. It was precise and elucidated. I did not wish him to know of my plans, hence I shifted all of my brain to the little human before me. He was cute, better than Jimin. 

(A/n: Jimin is the cutest. Thend.) 

After the eating, three of us have settled well on the couch, and Jungwoo was being stubborn about seeing a movie. It was a sci-fi and I and Jungkook, both were romantic action lovers. We didn't like Sci-Fi. 

Although, I had zero interest to see the movie, I gave in for Jungwoo. Unlike other kids, he barely asks for anything, and I can watch this for him. If he loves it, then so it be. 

The popcorns and drinks were bought in by the two men. I was very against of them going into my kitchen and vandalizing it, because I had no clue Mr. Jeon could cook. Well, he hired an Italian five-star Michelin chef at his house. Moreover, I'm drop end serious for it. 

 The chef personally moved all the way from Italy to Korea, and I'm well aware how much Jungkook pays him. Technically, his accounts are looked by me too. I know his expenses, and his incomes. 

Jungkook, in fact, trusts me so blindly that he has given me his pin for the black card. Though I opposed to it at the start, he plainly didn't listen and proceeded to tell me the same. Not that I wish to steal his money as I don't earn any less than him. 

"Jungwoo, what's this movie about?" 

The start is playing as I curiously question Jungwoo, whereas he tilts his head in my direction to say, "Rockets. It's about how a guy creates the first rocket to some undiscovered planet. Aston told me he saw some real formulae for it. So, I've wished to see it ever since." 

My mouth is dry. Im speechless. I am assured that the day Jungwoo scraps our house out to construct a plane isn't far away. 

And on the other hand, Jungkook is blinking his eyes at me as if this small person wasn't a kid but alien. 

A sigh leaves my lips; I'm focused on some scenes and my eyes start to heavy. I haven't slept well since past three nights. And before I could see anything further, I start to feel more in my slumber; the last thing I hear is a few giggles. 


She is fast asleep by the half of the movie. I can understand she needed it, because the past few nights I've kept her up at the office till two in the morning for the case we had today. 

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