12. The Me-eting

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7.30 pm.

The clock on my office wall read as my palms eventually got sweaty and I began to feel the chills of nerve down my each bone. Jimin would be here any second and I was getting anxious for it.

I had spent my afternoon with both my of my happy pills and eventually left them to get here at the office.

Y/n had insisted that she'd want to come and accompany me but I declined straight up, saying Jungwoo needed her the most.  My time could be put forth and there was not a big deal in that. However, now that I think of it, I wished so bad that she was here. She is the reason my determination and confidence doesn't shake but now, I am devoid of her.

Stella has surprisingly not dialed to me or texted me at all since the morning I met her at the breakfast. It was her friend's wedding and she wanted to be there for her- she told me that but I could presume it was a lie.

Nevertheless, it wasn't important. What was significant right now was my ex.

But, I'd vowed, if he tried to kiss me, I'll break his face. Moreover, I'm of sure belief I can do that. In taller than him and definitely more muscular. Won't take me even two minutes to put him down-

"Hey, Jungkook."


I, with a heavy heart of mine, swiveled around to greet his face. Yeah, the same handsome face I was obsessing for over months.

He saunters in with his hands inside his pockets and a smirk that screams 'I own this office'.

And belive me, it pisses me off.

He takes his chair without any further greeting, causing me to shake my top and simply go to mine too. I lean back and stare at him, waiting for him to speak up. However, rather than doing that, he begins to laugh.

My brows rut in vex, "why are you laughing?"

To my query, his lips curve before he answers, "fun to see my kookie grow up. I still remember how cute you were back then. How you'd run to me for minor inconveniences" His eyes twinkle at the end; I am almost petrified thinking I'd melt again.

No. Jungkook, you cannot melt. Get a grip of yourself. Goddamnit, this narcissistic man is getting no play on me. He is going to be out of tea. I have decided to not be a drama for him to snicker and share with his friends. And swear of Jesus, I'll stick to it. 

I offer him a poker face and proceed to stress upon the reason in the first place he wanted to meet me.

Although he tried deviating the topic elsewhere initially, I don't pay heed to his questions about my meals, my degree, my client, and my lifestyle. I am persistent on my curiosity and that eventually makes him give in. 

"I'm here to see you. Nothing else." He replies, and I almost have to hold myself before punching him.

For all the days I was stressing out like a lunatic just because he wanted to see me? 

Is he for real right now?

"Jimin. This meeting has ended. Goodbye."

I collect my phone and charge towards the exit before I'm pulled behind and I nearly trip. Thanks to my non-slippery shoes that I had brought after hours of trial. My money was worth is and so the time. 


"Please. You could come back to me. I know, I have cheated on you. But what is y/n? She is nothing, Jeon. I loved you, I still do. That while I was financially struggling but now, I can provide you so much. We could last, Jungkook. Trust me."

I froze on my spot for two minutes. Yeah, he was earning for sure. His firm was built of not bricks but illegal files. The reason I never appealed to his firm was its fraudulent mannerisms at peaks. It had unnecessarily high charges for minutest cases and all the lawyers were deceiving.  They didn't built a firm, rather a fake legal body. I hate his firm as much as I hate him.

"Bye, Jimin. Because I didn't want financial benefits from you. And about money, I, as the junior partner, have plenty of it."

That's all I say before I dash out and go for my elevator. Bloody fucker. Do I look like 'on sale' item that he can buy me?

I'm meeting y/n. I need to meet her.

I am all set with the plans, patiently tapping my foot as I waited for the elevator. It arrived not later than two minutes and as soon as it opened, I was greeted by Jake, a junior partner alongside me.

Well, technically Monica was Jake's assistant until a year ago. However, after a few months, Jake had become a junior partner, and Monica was assigned the reception. I still can't understand why Kingsley did that. Nonetheless, I don't mind. Atleast, mine was y/n.

"Oh, hey Jungkook" He cheerfully speaks and I return his gesture back with a minimal smile. I get into the elevator with him, noticing how he was wearing only the white shirt and his sleeves were rolled up till his elbow.

Hits me kind of now as to why all the female staff went insane when Jake joined this firm. Not going to lie, I simped over him too.

It's been four years for him here and five for me. I was still a newbie when he came in, but his gossips were legit in every nook and corner.

In fact, his very secretary was fired. Reason? She proposed this poor guy at the yearly party in front of everyone and he had almost surpassed a cardiac arrest.

Kingsley was way beyond mad at this. He had immediately fired her and then issued a strict notice that people working in this firm could not have any sort of relationships. However, exceptions might be considered if both the persons belonged to different departments.

Although, after all of this, Jake hasn't changed one bit. He is still the pure guy, who offers a smile to every stranger and is ever ready to help you.

Well, understandable why he chose Family and Corporate Law. His main field is corporate, but he assists others sometimes with familial conflicts.

I still recall seeing him stop a couple from divorcing each other. Instead of being happy about their separation, he talked it out with them and made sure they changed their minds.

We were all.... astound  was the least to say. We were shook till our cores. The couple was wealthy and he caused us a loss of good fortune. I don't mind it, but Kingsley did.

"Um, Jungkook, I haven't seen Y/n around. I had to return her this file she left. Is Jungwoo okay now?"

"Yea- wait. How you know the son?" I exclaim and blink my eyes in stagger whereas he shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal at all. What. The. Fuck.

"I have played with Jungwoo. It's usually when y/n is around. I've gone to drop her off home and met Jungwoo, her nephew-"

I hold his shoulders and shake him up. He is lying. He can't be saying the truth. I feel  "Don't lie, Jake."

"I- I'm serious. I called y/n yesterday. After that, she hasn't dropped me any contact which is very unusual. So I just presumed you'd know..."

I'm in splits. I'm not jealous. I cannot be. Y/n means nothing to me. Yes, I admire and respect her as a colleague nothing else. Of course, nothing else.

"No. I don't." I reply to a confused Jake and jog out of the building to my car. Furthermore, not wasting any time. I'm already on my way to her house that doesn't take me too long to reach.

I ring the doorbell, waiting for her to open it and when she does, I pull her and hug her.

I didn't know why I did that stupid thing. But I don't regret.

I don't let go off of her and keep hugging her. I can hear her ask what wrong and all the bullshit, but that bothers me least.

I close my eyes, relishing this feeling of home from her. Moreover, as if God could not watch me be happy anymore, I again hear a yet familiar voice that makes my blood boil.

"Y/n...?" He appears in muddle to which she only replies so sweetly.

"Oh god, Jake."

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