16. Uninvited Guest

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"Hey Mingyu." I put my hand on his shoulder, which makes him casually turn to me and flash a small smile. He did greet me back, but the thing my eyes took in first wasn't him but Y/n's face that was slight stunned by the way I appeared out of nowhere. 

Damn- look at my lady being the most breathtaking woman on the floor again. How many times yet again have i been constantly building the bridges of her appraisal in my heart? I've lost the account, and astonishingly? I have no shame. 

"Ah, I see y'all are having a great time dancing with each other?" My hands with the utmost fake smile i could manage to pull, take Y/n's hand out of Mingyu's and Y/n shakes her head at my actions whilst managing to curl her lips a little at herself sneakily. 

Mingyu on other hand darts his vision between Y/n and me, a neophyte confusion settling in his orbs that later turns into understanding which causes him to whisper an 'oh' and back off a respectable distance from us.

"Damn- Jungkook, you've got a nice one." he winks at me openly and walks away leaving a blush of crimson to take over the sides of my face whereas, Y/n snickers out loud and gawks at me in disbelief. "Your all friends seem to understand you too well"

She replies in her dulcet cream laced voice and walks over to the balcony of ballroom. I contemplate for a moment, nonetheless, not waiting anymore i trail behind her and reach to where she stopped. 

"You look like a song matched by heavens, Ms. y/N." I compliment her, standing beside and sipping my wine from the glass. Her head turns away for a brief second, which I in my head conclude was to hide her pink cheeks. It causes me to beam ear to ear, but the thing she speaks next only broadens my glimmer. 

"You do look handsome as well, Mr. Jeon." 

I chuckle softly. I shouldn't be quiet over moved by her mere praise, but I cannot help it either way. We stand in tranquil for the sometime, gazing at the clear night sky. The stars, the moon and the city lights. I don't understand if it was the sky that's always so luminous and pretty every night or was it just this particular night?  Well, I'll decide to stick to the other one.

"Jimin's here." She softly whispers, and my blood freezes. 

The wine glass is long forgotten by me and the scenarios of the worst to happen flash one after one in my mind. What's he here for? What's he going to do? Who's he going to hurt today? And most importantly, why's he here specifically this party?

"He's never... been here though." 

"Right, but Kingsley invited him today. You probably didn't see him, but I did." 

I heave a sharp breath before turning towards Y/n and wetting my lips hesitantly before asking, "Did the invite list have his name?" 

She glances at me before shaking her head. I dumbfound. How's this even possible at this rate?

"If not, then how's he here?!" I ask in misery, and she exhales saying she doesn't know. But i refused to believe all of the things. How could the invite list not have his name when he is right here?

There's a term called "uninvited guests." Till now I'd only heard it, but today witnessed it as such too. Swear to lord, if Jimin tries one foul or fatuous stunt here, I'm ripping his heart out without an extra thought. 

"Missing us it seems?" 

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