3. Clothes off, now.

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My gaze follows his direction that led to his chest. I was confused. Why was he pointing at his heart while giving me a glacier hard glare?

"What?" I interrogate and he sighs. Taking away the bags from my hands, placing them on the table ahead then turning around and walking towards the washroom.

"I'll require a few minutes, don't start without me"

I watch him disappear behind the door as a muddled expression decorated my face. He is one hell of an erratic person. You would never know his next move.

Regardless, still shaking my crown at the man, I open my iPad and start drafting the few letters that were to be sent by the evening.

One of the letters was to Mr. Park Jimin, who'd requested for a meeting with Mr. Jeon. Their meeting is scheduled on the next Friday so, I need to not worry for it as of now, and today Mr. Jung Hoseok is going to arrive at half past two-

"Y/n.... ah, fuck"

I blink my eyes. My jaw is probably six feet under the ground and my face is that of a circus clown. Am I so crazed? Have I stared fantasizing Mr. Jeon so bad? Is my horny mind taking over my rational one?

It cannot be, it shouldn't be. How can I be so in love? And even if a person is utterly and deeply in love, the most they'd hear is the other one saying "I love you" But I'm hearing him moan?

And miraculously, my name?

Lord, this has got to be superficial-

"Slower, ahh... y/n"

I drop the iPad and stand up. This is wrong. I'm hearing things. None of this is true.

But just as I am about to digest that it's all false, my conscience registers that Mr. Jeon was in the washroom, and that's where the noises are supposedly coming from...

My heart is thrashing in my ribcage, begging me to not go further however, I'm already betrayed by my legs.

I'm at the door. Additionally, before I can comprehend, my ears are placed against the wooden surface as I close my eyelids to hear him better.


Fuck it, he really is moaning, plus it is my name...

He is engaged to Stella, a gorgeous woman I've seen, who's perfect in every aspect but then again, why is he moaning my name? I'm his secretary. It's so wrong. It is unethical, isn't it?

I keep roaring the same queries again and again in my head, but it's too late. My hand has already slipped in my pants, and I push my thong aside and gently tap at my clit.

A shiver runs down my spine. It's so sensitive, my body almost jostles up with this euphoria.

Mr. Jeon's grunts are still audible at some extent, and I place my support on the door as I try to get a better access whilst start to rub myself.

God. This is wrong. So wrong.

I bit my lip, stopping a moan that could've escaped any second while my index finger tenderly teases my entrance, and my other hand slides up to my clothed boob. I give it a slight squeeze, letting my breaths turn heavy. God, the pleasure is too much... I am not even close to the climax but as occasionally I hear him grunt and moan lowly through the door, my adrenaline rushes to a new degree.

I can simply close my eyes and picture him behind this wooden surface. His head thrown back while his veiny hand would be wrapped around his dick. Eyes rolling at the back of his head while his lower lips would be trapped between his teeth. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he'd gulp, his biceps flexing while his hand would work on his long hard Cock.

All of this is too heavenly. It feels like a seventh cloud or an undeciphered Pluto. Jeon Jungkook feels ethereal. His sinful deeds feel ethereal.

I fist my hand. 'Get a grip, Hwang Y/n' I slap myself internally and pull my hand out.

No matter what Mr. Jeon is doing, I'd not support his acts. He has Stella, and I'm not going to be a relationship breaker.

A long exhale leaves my lips, I turn my heels and walk to my chair. Grabbing a few tissues from the side to wipe my fingers, I sigh for second time again.

"What do I do...?"

A low whisper elopes my end as I grab the sanitizer and pour it on my hand a little for the sake of hygiene.

Mr. Jeon is a glorious man. He is any woman or man's dream- because yes, I've seen men simping hard for him too. He can make straight men gay and gay woman straight. To be factual, he has the best of both the worlds, and there's no contradiction to that.

However, despite this all, why would he fantasize me? I don't want to lie telling, him moaning my name didn't turn me on. Because I swear on Britney Spears, it turned me on more than it should've.

I'd be untruthful if I even said I haven't fantasized him.

I've built a castle of reveries in his devotion. A scenario where he is eating the chocolate off my body, where I'm riding him in the backseat of his Range Rover, where he is thursting into me while I am a reckless mess, and where I'm even married to him. 

I've seen it all with him. And the worse is, he hasn't...

I've read his eyes quite a few times, they hold desire and surge of lust when they gaze at me. And as much as I seem to like it, a part of me wishes there was love too...

The door clicks open, and I break my pondering to look at the man ahead. His forehead coated with sweat, his tie loosely undone and the vest-coat merely resting over his toned torso.

"Mr. Jeon-"

"Y/n, clothes off, now."

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