13. Her and Jake?

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Y/n is a sweet gentle lady that understands everyone. She makes sure no one is ever felt left out and all the people around her beam with their all thirty-two teeth out. My girl is so considerate about even the minutest fly in her house that no, she won't kill it or harm it, rather she will leave the window open for it to go on its own. 

I love her considering personality, but. That wasn't required towards Jake. He and she are literally making the dinner for us four, me, Jungwoo and them, and are giggling in the kitchen like bloody swamps. 

As much as the inner man in me wants to separate them from each other, I restrain and focus on the television ahead with some dumb animal show being on air. 

I can feel Jungwoo's quizzical pair of optics on me. Nevertheless, I don't bother it and persist with my same attitude. 

"Jungkook? you seem off. What's wrong?" The young man takes his seat on my lap; I heave a sigh and peck his forehead. How do I tell him that I don't know what I'm feeling? How do I tell him that seeing his mom with other men makes me mad as fuck, but I am not jealous? How do I confess that I only want her to be giggling with me and not them, but I am not possessive? How do I accept that I want her mom only for myself and not for others, but I am not in love? 

"I don't know young man." I ruffle his hair, and he slightly huffs. Obviously quiet not-so-pleased by my lack of responsiveness but I don't give a shit right now as my stomach churns with the blazing flames of dis-likeliness and discomfort of them being so close and casual. 

Maybe, I am jealous. However, I will not accept it. I don't love Y/n. I care for her as a boss, as a colleague, and mostly want her for her external beauty. 

Her heart is something I don't even aim or desire to treasure. It's her body... Right? 

"The dinner is ready!" 

Her call goes off from the kitchen, and I pat Jungwoo's back. "let's go buddy." 

"You love mummy." 

I hold my breath and go blank at his words. Kiddo has got to be kidding the living shit out of me. I do not love anyone. The only persons in this world who I treasure past shit is my parents. Y/n and Jungwoo form a part of I care about, but. I do not love Y/n. I shake my head at him, chuckling after to obviate any further awkwardness. Swiveling myself to the other direction, I had to the table but he tugs at my shirt. 

"Why don't you accept? You're way of behaving might have changed but, your eyes of seeing mom are always the same." He explains, to which I ask him how. 

"Mummy had one guy she liked when she was around 19. he was her friend. One day, he came to drop some books at home, but he saw me. After that, he stopped talking to mom. Thinking we are problematic family. That she is a single mom and she would ask him to feed and spend on me. He detached mom from himself. Although, mom never cried after him, she still felt sad how her friend who she even likes, could be this judgmental without knowing the story." 

I grit my teeth. I will hunt this guy down later and slap some sense into him. Only because you see some woman with a kid alone, does not give you right to justify she is single mom. Plus, Single mothers are strongest than anything out there. Feminism at its finest, nonetheless, a father figure is always important to any kid. And the fact that moms provide the kids both? It's beyond commendable. 

"He is dipshit." I curse infront of Woo; Y/n asks me to not, but he is mature enough to learn what's essential and turn a blind eye to others. 

"Wait, I'm not done. Don't cut a young man speaking." Jungwoo complains adorably and I nod. Letting him speak again. 

"So, even you saw me, but you did not run away. You accepted Mom the way she is. I don't know if you notices, but Mom did gain little weight compared to past weeks, and you didn't even notice that. did you?" 

Weight? What the hell, Y/n looks beautiful as ever to me. I don't know what weight Jungwoo is saying, to be real fair. 

"No? Jungwoo she still looks pretty, what are you saying?" 

"That you are blind in love. Actually so blind that you can't even see it. Even Jake comes to play with me, but the way he looks at Mom is far different than you. Jake would comfort Mom is she cried, however, you'd kill the guy who made mom cry." 

I'm speechless. How is this small kid having so much brains in him? I genuinely wonder how. Anyways, NO. I don't love Y/n. Thats. it. 

"I don't love her-" 

"You do! Just grow some balls to accept it, Jungkook!" 

This guy- 

"Here! Sit down guys, let's eat!" Y/n cheerily appears out, holding out the freshly made varieties of Korean dishes, and I'm at awe. I love food like this. Reminds me of my mom. About how she used to make these for me every time I scored good in tests. And mind you, I did not cheat in school and colleges final tests!

Reminiscing those times, I miss my mom. It's been good amount of years since I last saw her and a few days since I talked to her. I honestly at this rate want my mom's arms to be around me and tell me I'm doing okay. I want my mother. I want to be a baby in her arms again. 

"Mr. Jeon? A- are you okay?" 

"Huh? Y- yea. I- I'm fine... Excuse me, where's the washroom?" I quickly stand up, following the directions Y/n gave and securely lock the door behind. I didn't realize and my eyes were way too teary. 

Fuck- I'm a blockhead. Tomorrow, I'll apply for a leave for a few days and just go and hide in my mom's arms. I don't want this firm, my profession. All can go and shit themselves for a while, but I need my mom. That's final. 

It's not later than I get out and have my dinner with the others. All basically are concerned for me, specially Y/n and Jake who looked like they'd pounce on me and put me to sleep singing a lullaby. I'm not a baby. 

After the dinner, I suggest Y/n to put Jungwoo to bed after wishing him goodnights while I and Jake clean up the tables and wash the dishes. Y/n sharply declines at first, but then I only push her inside with Jungwoo and force them to have their time. 

"Y/n's a hard worker." Jake says and smiles, while I mimic him inside my head. Yea sure. She works hard, and we know that. You don't gotta tell extra. 

I reply his comment with a hum before he asks me to pass the forks on the table. I quietly nod, rolling my sleeves up and passing it to him but in the process his hand touches mine for a split second and our eyes collide. 

I'm blank with my expression, but Jake? His cheeks are bright pink and he quickly takes the forks, proceeding to wash them later. 

What... was that? More significantly, why did I wish to gaze longer in his eyes? Shit- am I getting gay for 'Jake' now?! Hell NAH, Lord. No. Not. This. 

I. Do. Not. Approve. Of. This. 

Clearing my throat, I put aside dishes and do my work. Let's pretend I didn't say anything. 

However, after we are almost done in least awkwardness, Y/n comes out and stands at the door with her arms crossed over in front of her. "What?" I ask her, and she shakes her head, betokening a 'no'. 

"By the way, I was about to talk about the party- Ouch-" Y/n hits her toe at the edge of the cabinet and I rush her way holding her foot. "Oh god- Woman, what the hell-" 

All my concerns turn into dust when my eyes land at Jake's foot. His face was in anguish while his hands in fist as if he felt the same pain as Y/n. 

He curls his toe, shaking his foot later to lessen the pain. 

What's happening? And to my curiosity, I pinch Y/n on her leg. And trust me, it's pretty hard. To which I get equal reactions from them both, only difference being the pitch of their scream. 

"Mr. Jeon, why'd you even do that?!" She cries while Jake continues to hiss in pain looking away. Is it exactly what I am thinking it is? Or am I really thinking something else? 

Y/n and Jake can feel each other's pain? 

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