15. Party for three

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The weight on my shoulder increased, concluding  that y/n had finally fallen asleep. She was in her deep slumber when I gazed at her, and seeing her mouth slightly ajar with soft snores coming from her end made my heart feel spring. It was relishing the most, watching her go into a dreamland in my arms.

I wish, I could stare at her long and long without having to always think that I need to leave. I desire to have my merry time adoring her, because trust me, she is the prettiest woman out here. I've never seen anyone like her.

Everything about her just differentiates her from the rest. I am not a literary person but if I were given a chance to elaborate upon her, I'd say she's like a lotus. Lotuses are mostly found in muddy ponds that aren't the best to see. However, when you look at the flower, it only turns everything else around it a blur.

Maybe, that's the reason of me almost being oblivious of my surroundings when she is near. She is as delicate as a lotus, while I'm as fierce as a lion when it comes to her.

She is the lotus that's meant to shine, while I am the lion that's sent to protect her. Perfect.

I pick her up with utter care; as I said, she is a light sleeper. A single jerk and she will be whining about bothering me, when she actually never does. My feet step into her room and I take a brief overview of it. It looks slight changed, but I cannot point exactly.

Nevertheless, I shake my head, shrugging my thoughts off and placing her gently on her bed before covering her with the duvet and turning the air conditioner on to reasonable degree. Woman needs sleep more than anything on this earth, and I can bet dollars on it.

Even though, I should've left right after putting her to bed, I didn't and stayed a few more minutes to stare at her sleeping beauty, that's untouchable and ethereal. God, I am too whipped...


I ring the bell and wait for Stella to respond to it. It's been five minutes and she still hasn't, moreover, I left the spare keys inside today while going out. Great. I am here concluding that if there was a contest of dumbest personality to exist, I'd ace it without a doubt.

I push my hand in my pocket to fetch my phone out in order to give her a dial, but that's exactly when the door opens, and I see her yawning. "Oh, hey Kook" she smiles and asks me to come in and I nod, before taking off my coat and walking inside.

Placing my coat on the couch beside my seat, I unbutton the top few buttons of my shirt, and turn my head around to see Stella. She's in her phone, checking something, and I sigh at it. The same attitude since day one. No problem.

"Hey, tomorrow it's the yearly party, right?" She asks me and I give her a small nod, accompanied with a "hmm". She is annoyed that's well to say but doesn't show her aggression. Instead, she takes a place beside me and puts a hand on my arm. There we go, she needs something. I leave my shoe untying aside and look at her, waiting for her to begin. And swear of Jesus christ, the moment I heard her request, I wanted to perish.

"I want to accompany you to the yearly party." 


That's fucking how I landed up here at this party with Stella's arm locked in mine as we both made our way into extravagant decorated hall. The party was decided to set in a classy yet bold room. The decorations were a mix of gold and blood red giving it perfect tinge of royalty and dominance.

The music was of 90's countryside. The ribbons on the tables being crimson as the sheet sprawled across was silk honey. Kingsley went over my expectations this time. I wonder what made him be so precise about this.

"Hey, is that your senior boss? Kingsley Shaw?" Stella's eyes direct me to the corner of the room and I see Kingsley speak to my beautiful secretary.

Fuck. She is so gorgeous. 

Her sleeveless porcelain colored dress reaches right till her knees and it hugs each curve of her beauty delicately. Her hair let down lose with soft curls and her makeup is on point. Slight shimmering eyeshadow and minimal bold blush and tints.

However, everything irrespective. What complements the most to her look is the shade of her lips. It's her Charlotte Tilbury's Stoned rose shade and it fits her so faultlessly.

Talking about how I know the brand, I once happened to see the lipsticks and lip oils on her table. And all of them were Charlotte Tilbury. I presume she loves that brand. But baby soft pink lips suit her better than the nude ones she always sticks to.

"Jungkook?" I am back to earth.

Stella gives me a face that screamed 'I've been calling you for over five minutes' and I quietly hush it down to walk over to my reserved table.

I take my seat and sip from the fresh kept bottles. It's not even half an hour into the party and I've already started to feel so bored. How would I survive?

I want y/n to come over and have a chat with me but I forgot she can't and she won't. She can't because today she isn't my secretary but one of the senior secretaries of the firm and won't because Stella is right beside me.

I want to turn the wheel of time to the second Stella requested me to let her join in. I should've declined there and then. But my idiotic self won't settle for it.

Man, I only pray none of these men try to hit on my lady- my, as in Y/n. She looks drop-dead gorgeous to me. The angels are singing. The stars are glittering. I've become a poet in her ardor and she is the poem I've written. Please, Jesus, I will gladly with my bare hands rip the soul that tries to take her out-

Wait. What's Mingyu doing there with her? And even more anguishing to my clenched heart is the fact that he offers her a hand.

I'm confident in my skin. Y/n won't take his hand for a dance. She would not dare to-

What. The. Fuck.

She takes his hand. They dance before me. I'm helpless. I'm a spineless piece of shit.

I want to pull this stunt on right now. And despite being aware I'll be killed by my baby when I meet her. I'll still pull out this stunt.

"Hey, Mingyu"

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