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My head feels heavy as I'm carrying the weight of earth of my it. Jesus- where have I been? 

"Fuck-" I mutter under my breath as I force my eyes open. An almost blinding light falls right on my eyelids. I blink a few times, trying to adjust to the radiance. And when I do, the next thing I see puts me in pure ecstasy. 

"Oh god, Jungkook!" 

Y/n runs to me and takes into tight hug whereas, Jungwoo joins us in later. I flicker my vision around the room, darting my intellect in places, trying to connect dots as to why and how did I end up in this hospital room? 

The plain walls, the heart rate monitor, the bed in middle, the saline stand. How did I end up here...? What's happening?

"Wh- where am I...?" I finally muster up the courage to ask the question walking around my head, and Y/n pulls back to caress my face gently. She flashes a small smile to me before beginning, "Hospital... You woke up from coma after two months, Jungkook..."

Coma...? Two months...? 

I frantically hold her hand, examining her from head to toe, making sure she's fine and then looking at Jungwoo and holding his face to put myself into belief that what I'm seeing is real. He is alive...

"You... You both are fine?" I ask them and Y/n sits beside him, slowly brushing my hair whilst explaining. 

"You got into an accident, Jungkook... Two months earlier, your car crashed on a highway with a truck. You've been in Coma ever since. I, Jungwoo, and Haera have been visiting you daily. Me, your wife? Jungwoo, my nephew, our son? Haera? Our one-year-old daughter?" 

It slowly comes back to me in bits and pieces. I am a lawyer, Y/n a senior secretary in the same firm as me. We are married for two years... We have a daughter. And that night the accident I had on highway. Fuck- what was all that I saw then...?

"Jimin...?" I whisper hanging my head low to which Y/n furrows her brows and pulls me closer to her patting my head. 

"You must've had a terrible nightmare, Kook. There's no Jimin in our life."

I heave a sigh of relaxation and submerge in her hug. God, I missed this. I miss this relief. The nightmare I had was the worse one in ages...

"Gosh, I missed y'all!" I hug her back and cry a little on her shoulder while she pats my back and rubs my back. 

"It's okay. I'm here now." I nod at her comforts and pull back. 

As soon as I see her face, my heart feels content. I slowly rewind my memories back to our meetings in office, our dating period for a few months, our wedding, our honeymoon, and most crucially, my sweet daughter Haera. 

Speaking about her as I look around, I find her there, sleeping on the sofa in front, wrapped up like a subway wrap in pony blanket. She's taken after y/n and I've no regret whatsoever. She's adorable just like her mom. And for both I'd sacrifice in a heartbeat. 

Oh, about the mom. I converge my attention on her and suddenly the essence of a pure bliss settles in me. God- I missed this woman. 

Therefore, not waiting any further, I lean down closer to her lips and softly capture them with mine... Fuck- it feels like I've waited for this my whole life. 

I move my lips against her for once, stopping later to take in the overwhelming sanguineness, and then proceeding later to kiss her deeper and fuller. Jesus, I could die a million lives in her kisses. 

"Oh god. Mummy, papa. Why?!" Jungwoo covers his eyes and turns away, but I'm least bothered to lament. I've gotten my lady after pure ages and I'm not letting her slide for now. 

"I fucking love you, Y/n..." I beam in between the kisses and she chuckles softly before replying. 

"I love you too, Jungkook."

Third Person

Jimin watched from the roof as Jungkook and Y/n celebrated their little love. It was fun to the man as for once again yet, Jake had saved a family from crumbling under his clutches. 

"When is Jake going to stop interrupting our business?" Stella asked his fellow devil mate, who shook his head sipping the orange juice from can before replying, "Every time. Jake's sent to protect the people from us. He's just doing that."

"So, why don't you quit trying to kill more people?" A voice erupted from behind them, causing the duo to turn around only to witness, Jake walk in with his white spotless angel attire. 

Jimin rolled his eyes at the angel and sipped the rest of the drink. "Why you always interrupt?"

"Because, it's my job to protect families and people." Jake simply replies gazing far off in the air. Whereas, Jimin's eyes land on the tiny figure that was resting on the bed in the room beside Jungkook's. His mind turned nefarious once again as he motioned Stella to look at the kid. Jake glanced too, and he knew it'd be crazier this time.

Jimin's eyes twinkle with the glint of mischief upon finding his new prey. "I think, I got a new prey to capture." He stands up dusting his black pants, and Stella smirks alongside. 

Jake's tired sigh reaches them while he chants the name of God once again. "I'm not going to get any vacation because of devils like you!" 

Jimin laughs with mockery, "Devils are meant to be nuisance and destruction. "


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