9. Giselle or Stella?

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He was a few centimeters away from me. Everything I've wanted up until now, I could've gotten it in  seconds. The man I loved from the core of my heart could he kissing me, having me, making love- probably, not love.

Jungkook was a caring boss and a genuine companion. But for a life partner, he never loved me the same.

He had lust for me. He wished to fuck me. He didn't want to make love. He was obsessed with penetrating me and then leaving as if I was one of his hook-ups.

I refused to be that.

As a woman that's well educated and aware of her worth, I'm not becoming like my sister.

Jiya got herself pregnant after fucking the guy she crushed on for months- who apparently I heard was gay and in a relationship.

Jiya made a mistake. Though the result of that mistake was a life saver, I cannot guarantee mine would be as fruitful. Jungkook did love me, but as a colleague or as a friend. Lover was far away from his sight. Moreover, I couldn't bring myself to get fucked by a man who doesn't love me.

And even if I did, my esteem and ravish would be trampled upon in seconds.

The reason Jungkook is fascinated with imagination of ruining is for the reason that I am innocent. My purity is untouched and he has a craze to take it away.

Jungkook never was an ass to me. But specifically, he has done nothing for me as a lover either.

"Y/n... why are you lying?" I can witness the tremble in his accent. I hate to see him this muddled, but then again, I cannot put him over myself.

"You just cannot." I nod, tapping his biceps, betokening that I needed to get down and wrap my mess; nonetheless, he didn't budge.

"No. I am not letting you go. Y/n I've been addicted to you. I would've let you go if I felt, you didn't have a single portion of 'desire' for me but when you have it, why do you keep resisting?"

He places me on the kitchen platform. His doe orbs desperately trying to view the clairvoyant lies in mine. Pushing my hair back, he further explains as my hand rests on his biceps and I don't struggle to take it away.

"Miss. Hwang, don't lie. You want to be fucked senseless by me and I know that."

The tenderness still in his mannerisms persist, although, I catch his eyes getting darker. I'm fumbling inside with my own storms.

Jungkook is absolutely correct when he said this, nevertheless, I cannot bring up the topic of 'love' as that'd mean indirect confession.  Fuck it, I'm so doomed-

Wait, he had a fiancé. A bloody fiancé!

"Y-you have a fiancé." I stutter through my words, and he inhales a shape breath, "Who's my killer."

Deadpan. Exactly, that's how I stare at Jungkook, while he is getting creeped by me, "woman-"

Involuntarily, my laughs begin echoing around the surroundings. I have no hold of myself. My snickers are so lurid that I bet even the neighbor heard it.

"Stella? Your killer? Oh God, Jungkook, you need therapy."

I pat his shoulder and hop down, striding towards my ready-to-serve pasta. Even though, I shouldn't have laughed that badly, I still cannot digest the fact that a woman like Stella can kill.

Don't get me wrong. It's only that, she is barely away from her makeup and glowups, so I highly doubt she plans on killing Jungkook.

I'm all giggly as I put on three plates and sprinkle some cheese on top of it. Jungkook has lately been too caught up with work, he needs yoga-

"Giselle Sapphire Harrington"

A shiver runs down my spine. My throat has dried, and my ears cannot process what I heard.

My pasta is long forgotten as I struggle to get my breath back to normal and swivel to look at him.

"What?" Is all I can manage to throw out as he nods.

"Giselle Sapphire, not a very old killer for the time, but a new one and that's taken every person by fear. I live with her. She is the girl I proposed."

My hand shot up to my mouth and my legs feel wobbly. The fear starts crawling in my skin only imagining what everything else could've happened to Jungkook if he didn't have this varied knowledge about her.

The view for me is all blurred as I am nearly about to pass out. All of this is too much at once.

Jungkook could've died anytime. He could've been killed in the most brutal way possible. I've lost Jiya, I cannot lose him. No.

"J- Jungkook..."


The ground didn't hit me. I was rather in a secured embrace than on the floor. It takes me a minute or more to stabilize myself, and then when I see the man ahead, my hand gently caresses his scar that's on his right cheek bone.

"Leave her please." My voice begs him for it, but he shakes his head.

"Cannot till I put her behind the bars. She is still a fresher in this field. I've put killers with extremely long killing background in their places, you should know she is nothing to me."

I know; my heart doesn't. It's scared to lose him. It's not Stella who's scaring me. It's the life that'll I have without Jungkook in it that's petrifying the shit out of me.


"She's a newbie. She won't cause much harm. I'll get her away from me as soon as I get her motive to kill me." 

I'm back on my feet, and as much as I cherished being in his arms, I still was the first one to break the intimacy.

However, I did see him get a little sad? Did I? Or was it just a hallucination?

"Why will anyone want to kill you?"

To my query, he seems to be in a deep pondering. I don't interrupt him, rather I set the dining table and put us the juices, while milk for Jungwoo- this time, I'm noiseless. I'm still shuffled up with all sorts of thoughts running through my brain. I'm not as worried now, because I trust Jungkook more than anything. He is a brilliant lawyer, and I'm sure he has plans of his own. 

I let him get amazed in his wandering, but then it's goes off on for too long so, I'm eventually too bored. My curiosity cannot be well reserved, "Jungkook? Who'd want to kill you?"

He nods at me, as if agreeing to what I said, nonetheless, it's unusual. His right ear is bright pink and that only happens when he is lying or hiding something.

Court is often a place where he lies, and that's exactly how his ears turn up after it. What's he hiding?

"When's my meeting with Mr. Park?"

He specially stresses on his name and again, it's not casual of him. He rarely asks me about specific clients. And only when he has plans on business days.

For now, my reply to him is simple stating it's tomorrow at seven. His brows are furrowed, and his posture isn't great. He is hiding something. By the way he hesitantly takes his seat on the table and I leave to get Jungwoo for the lunch, I can only rewind the scenes and focus on his actions. Mr. Park seems very enigmatic. I've never seen him, but I doubt, he is a tsunami in our lives. 


To be honest, both he and Mr. Park are suspicious to me. I'm determined to find out the truth and if that asks me to sneak in my own office, I won't hesitate.

I'll sneak in to listen to their meeting.

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