14. Arms Around You.

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Five minutes. Yes, it's five minutes since I have been obediently listening to all of Jungkook's scolding. The man was not overreacting but he was still considering my swollen toe to be a grave issue for the mankind. Like some global warming that's needed to be treated by the United Nations.

Although, I'm unaware of why Jungkook pinched me so damn hard unknowingly, I cannot get around the idea of his plays.

"Next time, you better see and walk." He scolded me one last time after putting the ice pack, and I again nodded at his words. I'm not clumsy, I'm merely a careless woman about her body. I often keep getting into mediocre accidents in my life but Jungkook has seen this for the very first glance, and that's why it makes him worried, to be frank. Other than that, it's pretty casual for Jungwoo

"Guys. I'm done with the dishes. By the way, how are you feeling how?" Jake takes the seat beside me on couch and I reply with a prompt yes.

"Don't you lie. You are not okay and I can see that" Jungkook puts his leg in the middle of our conversation and I give him a 'what the fuck' look.

He tears his glimpse apart from us and sighs. Cute.

"Y/n. I'll be heading home first." Jake politely informs to me, causing me to smile and bop my head up and down.

Jake's house is quiet far from mine. The drive is around of thirty minutes and that is why I understand he needs to leave now to reach before midnight. Whereas, Jungkook's house is a driveway of fifteen minutes, giving him easy reason to hit my place at his given convenience.

Jake bids us his farewell, exiting the place later, leaving me and Jungkook in silence to sit and stare at the floor.

The serenity continued for a few minutes, until Jungkook spoke up regarding the yearly party that was a week later.

"You're coming, right?" He asks, the tension in his voice significant as he nibbled on his lower lips.

I didn't want to. The party is a cause of lots of problems. Last year, I remember getting inebriated and almost kissing him.

I don't want to let this happen again, because if it does, I'm afraid I'll forget my ethics and go for what my heart's been wanting all the time. Moreover, I can't let that happen. Stella might be Jungkook's secret killer but that still does not permit me to have any sort of relation with him. It'll still be considered as cheating. And I won't want to do that.

"Please, stop worrying about Stella..." His face is now in my direction. His eyes searching into mine for responds to his undeciphered questions. I want to tell him that he means much more to me than he would ever think. I want to let him know how his smile makes my day and how his frown stress the shit out of my mind.

I want to let him know he is the point where my day begins and the destination where it ends.

He is cause of my living. After my family that I never eventually had, after Jiya and Jungwoo, he is the reason I look forward to living.

I might be a priority for myself over him, but even my Ego loses it's stance when it's him.

And this time, I let him read my mind. I don't push aside my feelings and let him know all of this.

His concerned gaze goes from a longing ones to weary ones. That is all it takes for me to comprehend he knows what I am thinking. He is acknowledged about my ponders and neophyte feelings.

Staying mum, I get up and walk to the balcony for getting the air that I was devoid of after everything that happened with Jungkook inside.

I sit there, aimlessly gazing at the moon and rubbing my palms together. I am hesitant about Jungkook joining me, nonetheless he eventually does.

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