8. Don't Want Your Kiss

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Third person.


"I've called you here for a work, Stella." The brunette's alamaring voice rings through her listeners but she is merely interested in this.

"Then spit the work." She was getting bored second my second. Her arms lazy from all the waiting and legs protesting after being in attention for so long.

"Him." The male swiped a photo swiftly in her direction on the mahogany black table. As soon as her eyes fell on the picture of a devilishly handsome man before, she bit her lips checking him out secretively. Though the man behind the desk saw her do that, he didn't complain.

"Kill him. But it won't be easy. He is a top criminal lawyer and I think he even has some inhuman power." The male warns but Stella vaguely shrugs.

"Credit me ten million buck and his details." Stella pick up the photo and leaves, whereas a slight smirk appears on his lips. It was after ages, his wish would come true and It'd be fun, he assumed.

"Here I come for you, my ex boyfriend..."




It was ages since I'd seen Jimin or come across him. He'd gotten another woman pregnant while dating me, and I was shattered after that incident. I believed I was gay at beginning, because no woman was interesting to me after Jimin. However, y/n?

She is just different. She made a gay man utterly straight for her and she has no clue of it.

I was aware of Jimin being a womanizer.  He had also cheated quiet a few times while with me, but I never dared to say it. Maybe, it was because he was a few years older to me?

Or because I was still in my final year while he had become a practicing lawyer?

Jimin was a family lawyer. Crime wasn't his favorite background but I presume he is the biggest criminal to be put behind the bars.

Despite the fact I loved Jimin at once, I don't feel an ounce of respect for him anymore. He destroyed three lives, and I'm not letting him breathe in peace after this.

Probably, scratching the old wounds would plainly give more of agony to all, but I need to do my research a little well.

All these ages I'd been cursing at the lady who broke my toxic relationship apart, nevertheless after meeting the life that was created due to it, I wish to return Jungwoo's mom every ounce of her diligence back. I'll get her justice and also, Jungwoo will get his deserved father's affection.

"Mom, why am I made to sit behind while Jungkook sits with you?" Jungwoo whines for the around hundredth time and I resist my urge to chuckle and take him on my lap. Honestly, I've grown fond of this young man.

Apparently, my car broke down and I couldn't get a ride back to the office. So Y/n offered me the same. I was hesitant to take it at first and said I can take the cab, but both of them, her and Jungwoo, practically wooed me with their puppy eyes and I couldn't decline anymore.

I think, I've grown not just fond of Jungwoo but also Y/n.

Although Jungwoo was one of the persons, who buttered me with his doe orbs, he was the one who was complaining about sitting alone behind too. I understood, he felt secluded in the backseat, hence, I didn't consider much before asking, "Hey, you can sit with me if you want." 

I offered with a tender tone, and y/N almost crashed the car in a tree, causing me and Jungwoo to almost die with a cardiac arrest. "Woman, what's wrong?!" I exclaimed to which she snickered right in front of my face. 

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