11. Stranger Danger.

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Jungkook .

While saying it, it seemed like a piece of cake. 'y/n, you get two days off.' I curse myself again a multiple time. It's a new day today in the office, supposedly, also the day where I'll be seeing Jimin for the scheduled meeting. Moreover, I am least interested. I haven't gotten a chance to see either y/n or Jungwoo after I left them yesterday. My times ever since then was tantalizingly hurtful.

Monica had gotten me my coffee this morning; it was similar like my daily one, yet I didn't find it a bit amusing. It was plain drink to me with simply ice. It mostly hits me now that it never was the coffee that brightened my day or refreshed my senses. It was Y/n.

God, I miss seeing her walk around this cabin in her pencil heels and adorable skirts. Her pert ass swaying with her hips, her mellifluous voice floating in the air, her cute mannerisms while reading the files. Fuck it, I. Miss. My. Secretary.

"Monica!" I scream again to which she takes her leisure minutes to present. Her smile is plastic and I get to know she wants to burn me raw. Of course, I read her mind. It's her boyfriend's birthday today, and moreover, she is planning a surprise for him while I keep interrupting her again and again.

"Yes, sir?" She grits her teeth, and her patience is at the bay. Lord, women are so scary. First, that Stella tries to kill me almost with her fake big nails; second, y/n is herself a puzzle that puts me near death each hour, and third, Monica, who literally could stab me if allowed.

"Erm... I- I was hungry." I fake my request, causing her to fist her hands and then walk out to probably arrange something. I'm so bored.

Monica did offer that she could stay in my cabin and work, but I was a stubborn ass who declined her offer and made her sit outside at a desk. This cabin is Y/n and mine. No one gets to be here unless they are her.

Talking about Y/n? Damn, her long hair that she messily ties in a knot while working, those few strands sticking out and falling over face. She looks so breathtaking that way. I want to see her so bad. Jesus- the urge is almost killing.

All that I've received from Y/n are a few 'thank you' and 'okay' texts. At this rate, I'm eventually doubting if she likes me or not. Firstly, she fantasizes me and then declines saying she doesn't want me. I don't fucking understand her!

I'm so out of my senses. My case was literally pending yesterday, and I should be working on it but no, I decide to stalk Y/n's instagram. I open the unused app on my phone and check her profile. This time to see how she actually did have two or three pictures with Jungwoo, but i never really noticed. Her highlights were now visible to me, so I probably guessed she had hidden me from her view-list for the story.

"This woman cunning." I chuckle and proceed to pass my hour seeing her highlights. There were a lot of photos of her and Jungwoo. Probably, I must say, even after having a boss like me that barely gives her any day off and any provisional leaves, she spends her quality hours with Jungwoo responsibly. I have to credit the girl.

I slide and slide and eventually come to the end. I think, I'm obsessed with her. Her ass, her bosoms, her face, her heart- Wait, did I say heart? Hell no, I'm most likely over considering things. I want Y/n for lust. It's her perfect body that drives me insane. I cannot be possibly in love with her, right? I cannot want a future with her. I just want some fun, correct?

Oh, she posted a new story. I hurriedly click on it to see her and Jungwoo in a garden. It's a video of Jungwoo running around while she's filming him, and then a photo of them eating hotdogs. I later check the time; it shows '5 minutes ago'.

That's it. I'm meeting her.

I pick up my coat, rushing through the door to leave asap but colliding with Monica on the way who had a pizza box.

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