6. True Love?

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I got back home after a very long ride. The hotel that Mr. Jeon called me to was half an hour away from my place and the traffic at occasion made it even worse.

Today, Jungwoo had gotten his result for a national intelligence exam. His school had sent him as their representative and as expected, my baby scored the top rank and bagged the first place among a lot of different and best schools out there.

He is just twelve, yet sometimes I feel he is older than me. Maybe it was because I've bought him up and saw him grow cleverer than me. Jiya passed away when Jungwoo was three.

I was seventeen myself and my studies were basically supported by my sister, who was also a single mother.

Jiya was a pillar on which I and Jungwoo were relying with our lives. However, after she left, Jungwoo became my son, tragically.

Jiya's insurance money let me complete my degree and university without much hassle and a few loans from the bank got us a one bedroom house and a considerable education facility for Jungwoo.

The financial problems continued till I was twenty-three. I was working a few weekend part times and an authenticate job at a law firm. They sort out our financial messes and fred us from the debts but, Jungwoo had already become nine and his expenses were increasing.

Luckily, I was recruited by 'Shaw and Moons' The firm that I am part of today. The pay was handsome at very start moreover, it could assist Jungwoo's studies and needs.

By the time I was twenty-five, due to the savings, deposits, bonuses and my increased salary, I'd successfully moved Jungwoo out of our not-so-furnished one bedroom apartment to a two bedroom comfortable apartment. Plus, it was in a better locality and free of goons and cheap guys.

I was trying to provide Jungwoo everything I could, and if only it wasn't for my education and hard work, I don't think I could've even given him two meals a day.

Jungwoo has been my companion from the time I saved a single dollar till the time I didn't mind him spending a hundred bucks on his favorite book or toy.

He has seen the ups and downs with me. He has experienced my life with me. And mostly, he has supported me through my thicks and thins. Unlike other kids who wished to go for vacations at Paris or hefty pocket money ever week, Jungwoo didn't lament about those.

His face was something that made me wish to be the most wanted in my field. Although, I wouldn't brag, I was sent the job recruitment email by five different top law firms in the state. At the end, I did choose Shaw and Moons, but I'm glad that being the nerd back in college paid off. Maybe, that's why I was never invited to parties or had any involvement in some drama. And mostly, I wasn't flexing about being pregnant at sixteen gaining fake sympathy.

Jungwoo stuck by me in my sad times and in my joyous ones, he deserves to be as happy as he can be. I'll never let anything happen to him, he is my purpose to live.

Nevertheless, my mind rewinds back to the time he called me. I left him with a clear warning stating to not dial to me until and unless it was an emergency that couldn't be put ahead.

Also, an obedient kid like him would not pull a prank on me with such a sensitive case. It makes me furious that Mr. Jeon basically spoilt Jungwoo's celebrating party by dragging me for her to-be wife's shitty, boring, and dumb birthday party. It was so dull like her fake nails.

By the time I'm at the door and I've already rung the bell twice devoid of still any response, fear started settling in me. I shouldn't be needing to use my keys. Jungwoo please open the door.

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