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The next morning the zombies were gone. Nash and I climbed down the latter and began walking again.

"We need to find a secure place to stay for a while", Nash said as we crossed the street.

We spent that day searching for a perfect place.
Nash had requirements for the place we picked. It had to be at least two story so we could have high ground. It has to have large heavy doors so the zombies could not bust though them. And it had to have exits on every side of the building just in case we get mobbed by zombies.

After 5 or 6 hours of looking we came across a large bricked building. "Lets go look in there", Nash said pointing at it.

We jogged up to the door and Nash pulled the handle to the door. It was locked. "We can get in though there",I said pointing at a busted window on the second floor of the building.

"Good idea",he said as he ran to grab some old tires to stand on. Nash stacked 4 of them on top of each other and climbed up. He was now even with the window. He climbed though the window and left me standing at the bottom of the tires. I heard him whistle which meant he was checking to see if there was zombies. It was silent for about another minute until Nash came back into view.

"Its clear",he said sticking his head out of the window.

I easily climbed up the tires and into the window. Nash and I slowly walked though the building.

It looked even bigger on the inside. Most of the windows were boarded or had sheets over them.

We walked until we came to some stairs.
Nash and I were just about to walk down them when suddenly I felt someone grab a hold of me and put a blind fold around my eyes. I felt myself being pulled down the stairs by someone much larger than me. My heart was pounding. We are going to die. Suddenly I felt something stab into my arm, it was some kind of needle. I began feeling my body get weak and my eyes getting heavier.

I wake up to see I am in a large room. I looked around and felt relief flow though me when I saw Nash sitting next to me. But then I noticed something. We were tied up.

All that we wanted was shelter.

We Will Survive (old Magcon)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora