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Nash's POV
I've been walking for more than an hour and I've found no one.

I'm starting to think I should of just listened to Kian,Johnson and Jc instead of turning around.

I have no idea what to do anymore, I'm lost and tired. I sighed before sitting down on a log and throwing my head in my hands. What am I going to do.

Suddenly I heard yelling.

I shot up off the log and immediately ran toward it praying it led to my sister.

The yells went on and on for about 5 minutes before that completely stopped, but I kept running. I ran until I suddenly felt pavement underneath my feet. I was on a gravel road. There was broken down cars around me, and buildings.

I then realized I was back in the city outside the woods.

There was another loud scream.

My head shot up at a large building with shattered and boarded up windows.

I ran up to the large double doors quickly, I took a deep breath.

But as I was about to open the doors I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Nash is that you". I turn around to see the only person that gives me a reason to live.

"Blair",I yelled as I ran up to her and wrapped her in a hug.

I looked up to see everybody.

"Wait how are you all together",I asked confused that just a few hours ago we were all split up.

"We just kinda ran into each other",Cameron shrugged.

I sighed frustratingly knowing I should of just listened to Johnson, jc and Kian.

"So does that mean you guys heard that scream too",I asked.

They all nodded.

The scream came again, It was a girl.

"We have to help her",Matt said stepping towered the door.

Cameron grabbed his shoulder and harshly pulled him back.

"Are you crazy we don't know what's in there",Cameron yelled.

I looked at Cameron in disgust.

"We're going in there with or without you",I stated.

He rolled his eyes, "Fine".

We got into a huddle and schemed out a plan as a team.

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