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               ~Nash's pov~

Matt and I sat there wondering what blair was thinking. She should know Cameron by now.

He's not a good person, she had encountered it her self. But she still keeps forgiving him.

"I wonder if they're together now",Matt mumbled.

I leaned back in my seat "Let's hope blairs smarter than that",I stated.

Suddenly I was jerked into the floor of the bus. I sat there in shock before noticing everyone else on the floor too.

"Is everyone okay",I heard jc yell.

"What just happened",I said getting up off the ground.

"Umm I think we have a flat tire", he answered.

"Oh this is just perfect",I heard Cameron say sarcastically from the back of the bus.

Jc opened the bus door and walked out. He quickly came back in with a large piece of tire.

"We must of hit something because it busted our tire",he said.

"Okay so then what now", makayka asked frustratedly.

"Well we're obviously not going to stay here",Cameron shouted at her.

"Cameron quit being such a
douche",I yelled.

Cameron just rolled his eyes.
"Really all we can do now is walk",Matt stated.

Everyone agreed and we climbed out of what has been keeping us safe for the past week.

The walk wasn't like it used to be.
I used to play around Matt, Johnson and Jack, while blair would joke about how annoying we were.

Kian and Jc would stay in the back and laugh about all their inside jokes that no one else understood.

But now everything is quieter, and I suddenly realize how much has changed.

Jacks gone, matts upset, and Blair suddenly is best friend with Cameron.

It's a depressing feeling to walk in silence with the people who I used to look forward talking to.

"Hey thanks for standing up for me in there",I suddenly heard a voice whisper behind me. I look over to see makayla.

"No problem, Cameron had no reason to snap at you like that",I whispered back.

"Can I walk with you",she asked.

"Of course",I smiled.

~Cameron's pov~

Blair and I were walking behind everyone else having small talk, we seemed to be having a better time than everyone else.

"How about we take a little break we've been walking forever",Kian suggested.

We decided to take a short break and sit down for a while.

"Let's go sit over here",I told Blair leading her a little farther from the rest of the group.

We sat down in the grass by the rode.

"You know you and I haven't really ever gotten along",she randomly said.

"Until now",I corrected her.

  She nodded.

"But that doesn't matter because we get along now, and we have been getting pretty close",I stated.

"Yeah and I'm glad",she smiled.

Right then I started leaning in.

This was perfect, if we were a couple not only would I get go be with Blair but I would also get to drive Matt and Nash crazy.

"Cameron I can't do this",she suddenly said standing up.

I followed her actions, "Why",I asked.

"Because I'm still in love with Matthew",she sighed.

I walked closer to her, "Blair you two are through, just get over him".

"I can't",she said before walking off.

I was beyond mad, why can't she see that I'm better than him, I can be everything he wasn't.

I walked back over to the group, everyone was still sitting down doing their own thing.

Matt tried walking past me to Kian and jc but once we got close enough I bumped him hard with my shoulder.

He stumbled back before glaring at me, "Really Cameron, you act like you didn't win. You got what you wanted now leave me alone",he said.

I crossed my arms, "What are you talking about".

Matt rolled his eyes, "I'm not stupid, you and Blair have been spending a lot of time together. You two are together right?",he said as if he was answering his own question.

Thats when I was given a perfect opportunity.

"Dang it, we wanted to tell every one our selfs, but I guess you figured it out",I lied.

Matt didn't say anything after that, he just looked down at the ground and walked away.

Watching him walk away brought me satisfaction. But even with all the confidence I just gained I still wasn't ready for what was about to come, no one was.

"ZOMBIES",I suddenly heard someone yell.

Sometimes i'm so caught up in our group drama that I forget about the biggest problem here.

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