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     JC's pov
I sat in the room with the girl by myself.Nash and Johnson were off doing other things.

She started moving around a bit.

I sat still and silent waiting for her to wake up.

She slowly sat up and looked around the room quickly noticing me.

The last time she woke up she refused to talk to us so I was prepared for a silent treatment.

"I'm gonna kill you",I heard slip from her mouth aggressively.

Shock over took my body, I sat and stared at her like she was crazy.

"W-whys that",I said still surprised.

"You were the one who brought me here, I wanted to die you idiot. Why do you think my wrist were cut? What other reason would there be for me to fight you when you were trying to save my life?", she said trying to stand up but her wrist were still tied down.

I wanted to feel bad, but I didn't. This world is already dangerous and deadly enough without us being harmful to ourselves also.

"Do you want me to take those off",I asked calmly.

She nodded and looked down at her lap.

I walked over to her and slowly untied her.

She didn't resist my help, she stayed limp.

"Are you okay?",I asked her.

She didn't answer, she stood up off the bed and started walking to the door.

"Um,where are you going?",I asked.

"I don't want to be in here any more",she stated.

I ran in front of her, "I have to keep you in here until Nash comes back".

"Who the fuck is Nash",she cursed.

"He's the guy who makes most of the decisions. He knows what he's doing, and you are going to have to learn to trust him".

She rolled her eyes, "No I won't, cause I'm not staying here".

"Just please sit down and eat",I said handing her a water bottle and a pack of peanut butter crackers.

She took them hesitantly before sitting back down on her bad and eating.

     Blairs pov

Makayla, Isabella and I were sitting on the floor separating food to make it last for the rest of the month.

This is the one thing us three girls are expected to do. The guys go out and search for food when we start running low. 

"So how are you and Johnson?",I asked Isabella.

"We're great, but him, Nash and Jc are up to something weird upstairs",she stated.

"What do you mean",Makayla asked seeming really interested.

"They're up there every day, and I'm just worried",she explained.

"Eh, I bet it's nothing. Nash is most likely just forcing them to help plan some huge escape plan just in case something happens. I mean he never has anything else to do",I shrugged.

Makayla looked down at her lap, "Yeah",she spoke quietly.

"We should sneak up there and see what's going on",Isabella said with a smirk.

"Alright let's go",I smiled.

We all stood up and began to make our way to the straits.

But just as we were about to reach them I noticed Matt and Sammy in the corner of the room talking.

"You guys go on without me",I told them backing up.

They nodded and began walking up the stairs.

I started to make my way over to Matt and Sam.

"How do you expect me to trust you when you say shit like that",Matt was telling Sammy.

I grabbed his arm, "Uh hey".

He stopped whatever he was saying and turned to me, "Hey Blair",he smiled.

"Blair please tell your boyfriend that I'm not a murderer",Sammy told me.

I turned to Matt, "You think that he's a murderer",I laughed.

"Yeah,he does!",Sam exclaimed.

"She wasn't asking you",Matt scowled him.

"And yes I do",Matt said turning back to me.

Sammy rolled his eyes at Matt.

"Why would you think that?",I asked.

"Cause he acts like he's hiding something, and he told me that he's done things he's not proud of",Matt exclaimed.

"Doesn't mean I've killed people", Sam chuckled.

"All that I'm saying is I think that there's something off about him",Matt spoke to me.

Sammy simply laughed before walking off.

"Matt, leave him alone. He hasn't done anything to us",I said to Matt.

He crossed his arms, "Not yet".

I sighed, "Whatever, just try not to let this get to your head to much. It's going to drive you crazy".

Matt opened his mouth as if he were about to speak but he turned his attention to something behind me.

I turned myself around to see Makayla and Isabella walking back down the stairs... With a girl.

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