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      ~Nash's pov~

It's been a little over a week since we were all reunited.

Although our separation led to kians death, there was a positive out of it.

I became close with makayla.

I mean, she saved my life.

As if at cue she sat down next to me on the ground.

"Hey Nash",she smiled.

"Oh uh, hey Makayla",I smiled back at her.

"Why are you all by your self over here?",she questioned me.

"I was just thinking",I sighed.

She nodded not asking anymore questions.

"Guys come here",Blair yelled waving Makayla and I over.

We walked over to a little huddle she had going on consisting of Matt, Johnson, and Isabella.

"What are you guys doing?",I laughed.

"Well, jc has been upset lately over Kian, and we want to make him feel better",blair told me.

"Okay, we can't just invite him down to dinner like we did with Johnson",I stated more as a joke.

"Well duh, but we can make him realize that we love him and that everything will be okay",Blair said.

"Okay, well where is he?".

"He's by himself over there",matt said pointing off far away.

I looked over to see jc sitting on the ground picking at the grass looking miserable.

We all made our way over to him.

He looked up at the six of us confusingly.

"Hey bud",Johnson said sitting down next to him.

"How are you?",I asked him.

He just shrugged.

Blair let out a heavy sigh before sitting crisscross in from of him, "Jc, you know we care about you right".

He looked down at the ground.

"Its true, you're part of our family",Matt said sitting down also.

Jc looked up smiling lightly, "I love you guys".

"And we love you",blair said hugging him causing us all to join in to form a group hug.

Johnson stuck out his hand out to help him up, "We're here for you man".

I pat him on the back before the group walked off with him with encouraging words.

Only Makayla and I stayed behind.

She looked at me smiling, I couldn't help but think about how gorgeous she was.

"Why are you staring at me?",she said turning a light shade of pink.

I didn't say anything, instead I kissed her.

I was surprised with my actions and I could tell she was too but she eventually kissed me back.

When we pulled away both of us immediately looked the opposite way.

"Uh- I'm.. Im sorry",I said still looking away from her.

I felt her hand rest on top of mine, "Nash it's okay",she said calmly.

I stayed quiet for a moment trying to find words.

"I really like you",I was finally able to get out.

She smiled widely, "I've been praying that you would feel the same way one day".

"Wait you have feelings for me",I said surprised.

"How could I not! You're attractive, you're driven, you're smart and you care about the group more than yourself".

I looked down smiling widely but my smile faded into a worried expression.

"What's wrong?",Makayla asked me questionably.

"Cameron...... Cameron's gonna mess this up, he always finds a way to ruin things".

Makayla looked down sadly but I quickly reached over and grabbed her hand, "But I do really want to be with you.... So what if we just kept it a secret for awhile".

Makayla looked back up at me smiling, "Nobody needs to know".

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