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~Matts pov~

When Blair told us Johnson was going to come down for dinner everyone was pretty excited. I'm just hoping he actually will.

There was a knock on the door.

"I got it, I bet it's Cameron's friend",I said running over to the door.

Cameron invited Isabella over tonight so we could meet her.
Cameron seems to really like her.

"Hey you must be Isabella",I said opening the door.

"Yeah and you are",she asked.

"I'm Matt, you can come in and meet everyone else if you want",I offered.

She nodded before walking in.
"Cameron come down stairs",I yelled.

"Coming",he shouted back.
As soon as he got downstairs he went over to Isabella and hugged her.

I suddenly spotted Kian walking out of his room. I smiled lightly at him hoping he wasn't still mad at me.
He rolled his eyes and sat at the table.
Then Johnson came down the stairs awkwardly and everybody got silent. "Hey",he said quietly.

"I'm so glad you're here",Blair said happily.

"Yeah I actually am too",he smiled lightly.

"Come sit down",she said.
Johnson nodded before taking a seat next to her.
I walked over and sat on the other side of her.

I could immediately tell there was a lot of tension, and I could tell everyone else could feel it too because nobody said a word.

It then hit me how many problems are going on in this house.

"So",Blair said interrupting the silence.

"Umm Isabella how did you meet Cameron",jc asked.

"He actually ran into me",she laughed

"Yup and then we talked for a while and she convinced me to change",Cameron added.

"Sure, you've 'changed'",Nash said rolling his eyes

I immediately knew things were about to get bad.

Blair kicked Nash from under the table and shot him a look telling him to stop.

"What's your problem",Cameron said to Nash.

"My problem is that everyone believes that you actually changed",Nash yelled.

"I did change",Cameron argued.

"People change nash",isabella butted in.

"You're an idiot if you actually think he would change that fast. You don't know him, I watched him act like a jerk for over 6 months. You can't just come along and change him in a day, it doesn't work like that",Nash told her.

"He did change, you're just too stubborn to accept that",Isabella yelled back.

"No, I'm just not ignorant",Nash argued.

Isabella crossed her arms,"Cameron was right about you. He's not the problem in this group, you are",she scoffed.

Nash looked pissed.

"Nash just sit down, don't make the wrong decision here",Blair said.

"Oh you would know about making wrong decisions wouldn't you",Kian suddenly mumbled.
I rolled my eyes knowing that Kian was referring to Blair being with me.

"Would you just get over it Kian, complaining and giving me dirty looks is not going to change anything. Man up like Jc and move on",I said to him.

"No I can't just do that because I had my heart set on Blair, and I really thought she felt the same way. We would always joke and get along so well, I really think we had something Blair",Kian said.

I was already boiling with anger but Kian still continued to talk.

"But then Matt had to come and take that from us. Blair can't you see that you were meant to be with me",Kian finished.

Suddenly Kian was on the ground and I was hitting him over and over while everyone was trying to pull me off.

    ~Blairs pov~

Once Matt calmed down and we got Kian off the floor Johnson came up to me.

"What happened in between all of you",he asked sadly.

"A lot of us just don't get along like we used to",I simply answered.

"Do you think it will ever get better",he said.

"I hope so",I said before suddenly we heard a lot of noise coming from outside.

I looked around and noticed everyone else heard it too.

We all walked out side onto the porch.
There was a big group of people surrounding something by the gate doors.

"What's going on",I asked.

"I don't know, but I want to find out",Nash said walking over there.
We all followed close behind him.
Once we got there it only took a second to realize what was going on.

I saw a woman crying and screaming on the ground in the middle of of crowd.
    "You have to get out of here. They're coming, and they'll kill all of you",she yelled.

"Who? Zombies",mike the leader of this place asked.

"No the group with the masks",she sobbed.

"Ma'am what are you talking about",mike questioned.

"They captured me a year ago and I finally escaped. They are these people who find survivors and they kill them. One of they're guys saw this place and went back and told them about it. They're planning on coming here in 2 days to attack",she cried.

By this point I was beyond scared.

"You guys have to get out of here",she said again.

Everybody was freaking out and yelling. "Okay everybody calm down and go back to you're house. Be back here first thing in the morning and we'll have a plan by then",mike yelled.

"And you can come and stay in an extra room until then", mike said to the woman.

Once we all got back to our house Nash immediately begin talking.

"Tomorrow morning we leave. I don't care what their plan is, we're not staying here",he laid out before we all agreed and went to bed.

We're taking the chance to trust a stranger.

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