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            ~Matts pov~

"Okay we're ready to go",jc yelled as he finished filling the gas.

I grabbed blairs hand and we begin walking back to the bus.

Nash walked around from the other side of the bus looking down.

"Hey Nash",I said once we got closer to him.

He looked up at us and I immediately noticed his busted lip.
Blair gasped, "What happened to your lip",she asked him worriedly.

"It's nothing, I just fell",he said awkwardly. 

I didn't believe him, he seemed like he was scared to tell us something. But Blair seemed to not see that.

"Oh, okay well be carful",she laughed.

Nash nodded nervously before we all climbed into the bus.

Blair and I walked to our spot in the back of the bus and to our surprise so did Nash.

He sat in the seat across the aisle from us.
   "I thought you sat up at the front with Cameron",I said.

"I think he needs some alone time, you know he's probably upset about Isabella",he mumbled.

We just nodded as the bus began to move.

I watched Nash occasionally, he would look up to the front of the bus every so often nervously.

I followed his eye contact to the rear view mirror where Cameron was visible.

"Nash what happened to your lip",I asked not taking my eyes off Cameron.

"I already told you, I fell",he said.

"No Nash, what really happened",I said sternly.

Nash was about to speak again when suddenly we heard yelling from the front of the bus.

Cameron was shouting at hunter again for what ever reason now.

"Just leave him alone, you're making him cry",Isabella said.

He looked up at Isabella , "I will as soon as you stop acting like a slut",he said stoping the bus for the 3rd time today.

"Don't talk to her like that",Blair said angrily standing up.

I grabbed her hand trying to tug her back down into the seat so she doesn't get caught up in this mess.

"Stay out of this Blair", Cameron said to her.

"Or what",she said crossing her arms.

"You don't know what I'm capable of",Cameron said.

Oh hell no.

"Did you just threaten her",I yelled.

"Yes I did and there's nothing you can do about it",he smirked.

"You don't know what I'm capable of",I said mocking Cameron.

Cameron rolled his eyes.

"You know you've been acting like a bigger jerk than ever",Blair said.

"Yeah she's right, you're worse than even last time",jc said.

"Just drop it Cameron, nobody agrees with how you're acting",I threw in.

Cameron crossed his arms and smirked , "I think Nash might have something to say",Cameron said.

Nash looked down at his lap ,"Guys just sit down".

"Nash!",Blair said frustratedly.

"Blair please",Nash said sternly.

Blair sighed and sat down looking disappointed.

I shook my head before beginning to walk towered cameron. I didn't know what I was going to do or say but I couldn't seem so stop myself.

Before I could get even get to the middle of the bus I felt a hand grip my wrist. I turned around to see Nash,

"If you care about Blairs safety you wouldn't do this",he whispered so only I could hear.

It's suddenly all made since, Cameron threatened to hurt Blair if Nash didn't back down.

I nodded, "Don't mention anything to blair, I don't want her worried",he whispered before I walking back to my seat.

Blair had her arms crossed and she was looking strait at Nash, "Why didn't you defend us",she said.

"There's no point, he would have just continued to argue",Nash stalled.

It wasn't a complete lie, Cameron would have argued until he won, but it wasn't why he didn't stand up for her, so it wasn't true either.

"Yeah I guess you're right",Blair sighed.

Suddenly Kian walked up to me ,oh great.

"Kian I really don't feel like arguing",I said sternly.

"I'm not here to argue, I actually wanted to apologize. I've been acting like a douche to you for the past several weeks and I feel bad",he said.

"Thanks man, it means a lot that you would even apologize",I smiled.

"No problem",he said back.

"So are you and jc cool",I asked.

"Yeah we're cool",Kian laughed.

"Good in glad this whole situation is over",I said.

"Yeah me too, well I'm gonna go sit back down. I'll talk to you later",Kian said as he walked back to his seat.

Now I only have one thing to worry about, keeping Blair safe.

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