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  ~Nash's pov~

"Jc don't do this, it's not too late to back out",I told him as the group circled around him by the front entrance.

"I'm doing it, end of discussion",he snapped back before walking out the door into the world.

Blair sighed, "I hope he comes back".

"I do too",I spoke quietly. Our group is getting smaller and smaller. We lost jack, kian, Cameron, and now Jc. I'm just praying he stays alive and comes back healthy.

I felt a hand rest on my back gently, "It's going to be okay",they whispered smoothly. I smiled at the recognizable voice, I turned to face her. Makayla stood there was a warm smile on her face.

"I know, I just..... I don't think I can handle any more deaths....".

"He'll be fine Nash..... We'll all be fine",she reassured me.

"I hope so",I sighed before pulling her in for a hug.

Jc's pov

I think that I've gone crazy, I mean look at me. I'm searching for a girl who would most likely kill me if she had the chance, when instead I could be with my group where I would be safe. Even with that I don't regret my choice, I mean what do I have to lose?

I was sure to memorize the course I took so that when I found her I could get back home.

After almost a full day of looking I started to lose hope, I sat down on the ground and put my head in my hands. This was a mistake, I had a major head ache and I was starving and I didn't have the energy to walk back to camp. I decided to rest for a while.

Suddenly I heard growls and groans... Zombies.

I shot up onto my feet looking around me quickly.

A horde of the came into view and I took off.

I ran and ran, I turned a corner and there was more zombies coming head on at me.

I turned back around and the first horde was there. I did the first thing that came to mind and headed into the wooded area.

The group always tried their best to avoid going into the woods. We tried to stay on the road in the middle of the woods and the city, but here I am running through the trees.

I didn't want to die like this, I don't want to be torn apart by these nasty creatures.


"Jc stop".

"Jc",I heard someone yelling.

It was in my head, my mind is playing tricks on me. I'm dehydrated and hungry, I have to be hallucinating.

"Jc",I heard again.

I slowed down my pace until I made a complete stop. I looked around the woods slowly.

"Jc... What the hell are you doing?".

I turned around to see a group of about 5 people. Someone pushed through the group making their way to be face to face with me.

"Jc, are you okay?".

I stood there and starred at him, shock taking over my body.

"C-cameron?",I stuttered.

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