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(Recap from last chapter)
We all sat against the wall also tired from today. In that moment the sound of a window breaking rung through the building.

Non of us were going to be getting any sleep tonight...

         Nash's pov

  I jumped to my feet along with everyone else. Everyone was looking around at each other most likely thinking the same thing.... Cameron, jc and the rest of this group are in the building.

I griped onto the gun that I had in my hand tightly. I felt someone walk closely by me, "What do we do?",they very lightly whispered. I turned to see Makayla, I let out a sigh. "Don't worry", I told her although I was beyond scared.

I walked over to Matt and Sam, "Let's go".

"Where?",Matt questioned.

"We can't just hide in here, the door doesn't lock anyways",I told them.

"He's right, either we hunt them or they hunt us",Sam stated.

Matt sighed, "Alright then let's go".

We walked out into the hall close together, and as expected blair walked out with us.

"Blair what are you doing?",I said as I stopped in the middle of the hallway.

She caught up to us, "I'm going".

In that moment something loud came from downstairs, I wasn't able to identify the noise.

"Alright whatever, let's get moving",I said dragging them towards the stairs.

Half way down the stairs another loud noise hung trough the building, it was close. "I think they're in the next room",Matt whispered.

We walked fully down the stairs and I walked over to the door that lead into the room next to us,which was the lobby to the hospital. I slowly peaked over into the small square window that was in the door. Sure enough I saw them in there, I noticed a red headed boy swinging a base ball bat around like a crazy person hitting anything he possibly could that would break. Then I saw the girl, she held a gun in her hand the same size as mine, just a normal sized pistol. Then another boy came to view, he didn't seem to have a weapon but he looked like the type of guy who doesn't need one.

Cameron's voice caught my attention before I saw him walking across the room talking to the people very quietly.. Too quiet for me to hear. He held a large gun in his hand... Where the hell did he get that. I noticed jc standing there also, all he had was a large knife sticking out of his front pocket.

I turned back to the four eager people behind me, "What is it?",Blair asked.

I didn't want to tell her what I was actually thinking. All it would do is scare her, it would scare everybody. It has always been this way with Blair, back when we were kids I never admitted to being scared to anything. Whether we were getting on a roller coaster or we would get lost after dark..I would always act brave, because if I wasn't scared, or even if I acted like I wasn't then Blair wouldn't be scared either. She believed that a fearless Nash could do anything, and in her eyes I was always fearless.

"Its nothing, we got this", I lied.

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