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Matts pov

Nash, Sam and I crawled though the hospital hall way lightly peeking out each window we passed.

"I see someone",Nash suddenly whispered to us.

We shot our heads to him and stayed completely still.

"Wait I see more people. One. Two",he began counting them.

"Three.Four.....Cameron",he said turning away from the window quickly before pressing his back against the wall next to the window.

"Cameron!What about Cameron?",I asked him with confusion.

"He's out there!",Nash exclaimed.

I crawled over to the window and peeked over and sure enough I saw Cameron walking aside the building along with the other people he was with.

I then noticed another recognizable person, my mouth dropped as I backed up from the window.

"JC's out there too".

Nash frustratedly pulled at his hair before punching the wall behind him, "Are you kidding me".

Sammy leaned against the wall also, "How does it feel to be stabbed in the back by your own teammates?".

Nash sent him a scowl, "Quit the act Sam, you're a trader too".

"That's not true",Sam said silently.

"Stop! Now's not the time. We have to worry about them first",I told Nash and Sam.

Nash sighed, "You're right, we need a plan".

"Well I mean what can we do, all we have is four guys, one of them injured. And 4 girls, and at least one of them has to stay to look over Jack. So that only leaves us with 6",Sammy stated.

Nash stood up, "I got this... Sammy give me your gun".

Sam hesitantly pulled his gun out of his pocket before handing it to him.

"Nash,what are you doing?",I asked.

"I'm not 100% sure",he simply answered before walking over to the window and pulling it open.

I jumped to my feet, "Stop",I exclaimed as I tried to shut it.

"Matt, just let me try this",he shouted back.

I let out a sigh before stepping out of his way, but I stayed in window view so I could see the group below us.

"Cameron",Nash called out the window.

I watched Cameron's head shoot up at us, a smirk fell onto his face. "Nash! How are ya buddy?",he asked sarcastically.

"Oh I'm just great",Nash spoke back harshly. Cameron let out a loud laugh.

"And you Jc, I can't believe this".

"Best believe it Nash",Jc spoke.

Cameron spoke back up, "I have good aim don't you think, I hit Johnson right in the middle of his shoulder".

"You smart ass",Nash spoke with rage.

I stepped in front of Nash because I knew that this wasn't leading anywhere but Nash getting shot.

"Matt, it's been awhile",Cameron grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "Just tell us what you want".

"I want to make your lives miserable. My intention is not to kill you but if you try anything....I'm going to have to kill you",he spoke uncomfortably calm.

I pressed my hands against the window seal, "What are you getting from this Cameron?".


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