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~Matts pov~

It's been two days since Kian died.

We've been in the same spot in the woods since then.

When we sleep we always have 2 people stay up and be a lookout.

"Matt can you stay up and watch with Cameron tonight",Johnson asked.

"Sure",I sighed even though I didn't want to even look at him right now.

I walked over to Cameron and he shot me a glare.

"What do you want"?

"Nothing, I'm just on look out and why are you mad at me",I asked defensively.

Cameron just rolled his eyes.

I shrugged before sitting down.

We sat in silence for several hours.

Suddenly there was a noise that caught both of our attention. It sounded like someone was running though the woods.

"What was that",Cameron said standing up.

"I don't know but it wasn't a zombie, they can't run",I said getting up also.

We both walked slowly toward the darkness.

I heard the running again, it was getting closer and closer to us.

Two shadows appeared in the distance, seconds later I saw their faces.

"Nash!Makayla! Is that you"?,I asked.

"Matt"?, Nash questioned.

It was him, nobody wanted to tell Blair but we were all pretty sure he died.

"I can't believe you're still alive. Blair is going to be so happy to see you",I said.

"Yeah well I would be dead if Makayla wouldn't have saved me",he mentioned.

"Why did you leave in the first place",I said turning to Makayla.

She sighed, "My brother went missing",she said sadly.

I smiled, "Come with us".

     ~Blairs pov~

I woke up to someone shaking me, I opened me eyes letting them focus to the person in front of me.

I met a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Nash",I said loud enough to probably wake everybody up.

I gave him a huge hug, "I was so worried about you",I said.

Nash smiled lightly, "I'm fine, I just missed you",he said.

"I missed you too".

I looked up to see Makayla hugging hunter tightly, "Was she with you"?, I asked.

Nash nodded, "Yeah, she's really sweet",he blushed.

I smirked, "You're not allowed to be with her",I said mocking him from the time he gave Matt and I a hard time.

He rolled his eyes, "Very funny",he said sarcastically.

There was a long pause after that.

"You know he misses you right",Nash suddenly said.

I shot him a confused look, "Who"?

"Matt, before I left he was telling me and Kian about how much he missed you".

"Oh",I blushed.

"Yeah speaking of Kian, where is he",Nash asked.

My stomach turned at the answer, "H- he's dead",I stuttered.

I looked over at Nash, he was staring at the ground blankly.

"Oh",he choked out.

"Are you okay",I questioned him.

"Yeah, I'm going to go see if jc is okay",he said before getting up and walking away.

I sat there alone for several minutes before I felt someone sit next to me.

I looked over to see Matt.

"Hey",he said awkwardly.

"Hey",I said back in the same tone.

I was afraid of where this was going to go, or even worse I was afraid it wasn't going to go anywhere and we would be stuck being nothing close to even friends.

"I'm sorry",Matt said catching me off guard.

"You don't need to apologize to me",I said looking at him.

"Yes I do, I lied to you then broke your heart, and then got mad when you moved on. I'm pretty sure thats worth an apology",he said.

"Okay first of all I didn't move on, the reason I didn't kiss Cameron is because I still had feelings for you",I stated.

Matt looked up at me, "He tried to kiss you".

I nodded, "But like I said I didn't kiss him", I reminded him.

"What if I tried to",Matt smirked.

"I don't know, why don't you find out",I smirked back.

Before anything else could be said Matt started leaning in.

"Oh my gosh Matt really, what do you think you're doing",I said dramatically.

He opened his eyes and looked at me confusingly, "Really"?

"No I'm just messing with you", I laughed before connecting our lips.

I'm more than happy to be together again.

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