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"They're coming!" Alyara turned around when she heard Tuk's voice, but there was no Tuk holding her hand anymore. "Kiri! Spider! They're coming! Let's go, Alyara! The war party is coming back, come on! Come on!"

Alyara ran after Tuk and searched the landing for Lo'ak, Neteyam, Neytiri, and Jake. Tuk ran over to hug Neytiri the second she saw her mom and the three Sully men were next to her. She quickly walked over to them, but stopped when she heard Jake's authoritative voice.

"Boys." Lo'ak and Neteyam walked closer to their dad. Lo'ak stayed behind and looked around until he made eye contact with Alyara. He dipped his head down in a nod which was their nonverbal confirmation that he was okay.

"You're supposed to be spotters. You spot bogeys and you call them in. From a distance!" Kiri ran over to Neteyam and checked his body for wounds. "Does that sound familiar? Jesus. I let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobey direct orders."

Jake softened his voice and directed his next words to his older daughter. "Kiri, can you go help your grandmother with the wounded. Please?" Alyara watched as Tuk let go of her mother's hand and went to check on Lo'ak the same way Kiri was doing with Neteyam.

"My brother is wounded." Kiri said firmly.

"Tuk go with her, go!" Jake called out for his other daughter. "Alyara, if you could go with them too." Alyara stuck her hand out for Tuk who jogged over to her and took her hand. Kiri rolled her eyes before following after the other two.

"My Jake, your son is actually bleeding.." Neytiri cut through the scolding to point out the obvious. Alyara and Kiri looked back in concern at Neteyam who was shrugging off his injury. Neytiri walked away with her oldest son after a few seconds which left Lo'ak with Jake.

Alyara stopped when she saw that Jake walked off and Lo'ak headed in the opposite direction. "Hey, I'll be there in a bit." Alyara let go of Tuk's hand and Kiri nodded, already knowing she was heading towards Lo'ak.

"Lo'ak!" Alyara ran past the others and caught up to Lo'ak who started walking a little more slow.


"Are you okay?" Despite his nod earlier, Alyara still checked his body for any wound that she hadn't seen from a further distance. Lo'ak noticed her inspecting his body and lightly pushed her head back to stop her.

"I'm fine." Alyara quickened her walk so she was walking next to him.

"What happened out there?" She questioned. She wasn't sure if Lo'ak was going to give her an answer, but she asked anyway.

"Neteyam and I went down and something blew us up. Dad had to carry us out of there." Lo'ak explained. At the mention of something blowing up, Alyara's eyes scanned his body for injuries once more. "Now I can't fly for a month." Lo'ak stopped at the water hole they used as their source of water and dipped his hands into the water.

"The month will be over before you know it." Alyara sat down next to him and watched as he used his five fingered hands to wash the paint off his face.

"It's gonna suck. Neteyam's gonna get to go out and I'm stuck here." He kept his hands against his face and let out an annoyed groan before rubbing his hands up and down to get rid of the paint.

"It's not so bad being stuck here. I'll be here with you." She hoped that would make him feel at least a little better. Lo'ak looked down at her and let out a sigh. "We'll find things to do and before you know it, you'll be back out flying."

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