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Ever since the moment that Alyara calls the "almost kiss" Lo'ak and Alyara have been very awkward with each other.

Or mostly Lo'ak had been awkward. He's been avoiding Alyara like the plague, doing a full 360 if he saw the girl.

Alyara, on the other hand, was starting to get annoyed by the avoidance of her best friend. Almost kiss or not, she hated that they were being distance with each other.

But she always didn't want to chase him down if he didn't want her to, so she's been spending her time with Ao'nung and Tsireya, leaving Lo'ak with his siblings.

She was currently sitting on the sand with her feet in the water while Ao'nung was in the water in front of her. Tsireya was also in the water, but a bit further out than Ao'nung was so she wasn't in hearing distance.

"So why are you not with loverboy?" Ao'nung questioned while Alyara played with the bracelets on her wrist. She looked up at him and her mind went straight to Lo'ak.

"He is with his family." She replied and stood up, brushing the sand off of her legs.

"Something happen?" Ao'nung asked, genuinely interested in knowing. It wasn't hard to see that Lo'ak and Alyara had been distance with each other for a good amount of time.

"No." Alyara noticed Tsireya getting out of the water and was ready to start following her. She heard the water splashing behind her and knew Ao'nung was also behind her.

"Come on, Alyara, thought we were friends now." Ao'nung jogged forward to catch up to her. Tsireya turned her head around, now curious in the conversation.

"We are?"

"You are mean." Ao'nung shoved Alyara's shoulder before walking faster and passing both girls. Tsireya slowed down so now her and Alyara were walking side by side.

"He is just dramatic." Tsireya whispered to Alyara. "Do not mind him." Alyara smiled and was about to answer when an uproar that came from the village was heard.

"What was that?" Alyara and Tsireya looked over Ao'nung's shoulder to see. Ao'nung walked in front of the two girls while they followed very closely behind him.

Alyara found Neteyam and Kiri standing behind Jake and Neytiri, but didn't see Tuk or Lo'ak. A part of her went into panic, thinking that the two of them got kidnapped or were hurt.

She moved away from Tsireya and Ao'nung and headed over to the Sully family. She stood next to Neteyam and listened to what Tonowari and Ronal were saying.

"My spirit sister and her baby have been murdered by the sky people!" Ronal exclaimed, rage clear in her voice. Alyara was shocked at her words, remembering seeing how connected Ronal was with her spirit sister.

"This war has come to us." Tonowari announced. "We knew about this hunt of our tulkan people." Alyara was listening and looking at Tonowari when she felt a hand on her arm.

She turned around and saw Lo'ak standing behind her, his eyes on Tonowari, also focused on what Tonowari had to say.

"But it was over the horizon, far away. Now, it is here!" Snarls filled the space coming from all the people. Alyara felt Lo'ak slowly pulling her back to him.

"No, you gotta understand how the sky people think. They don't care about the great balance." More uproar was heard after Jake's words.

"The sky people are not going to stop. This is only the beginning. You gotta tell your tulkan to leave. You gotta tell them to go far away!" Jake instructed.

"Leave?" Ronal scoffed, sounded astonished. "You live among us and you learn nothing." More outbursts came up and Jake was struggling to get them to listen to his words.

"If you attack, if you fight, then they will destroy you! They will destroy everything that you love!" Alyara's hand reached out and held onto Lo'ak's arm.

Everyone was shouting protests and Alyara turned around to look up at Lo'ak. "What is happening?" She asked so quietly that she was sure Lo'ak wouldn't hear her.

Lo'ak couldn't even say that they were going to be okay or that he'll keep her safe because he couldn't make sure of it. He would do everything he could to protect the girl in front of him, but he also knew she would also do that.

However, before he could say anything to reassure her, Jake captured the crowd's attention once more and was holding something up in his hand.

"You tell the tulkan that if they're hit by one of these, they're marked for death." Alyara turned around to look at Lo'ak, thinking about Payakan. "And call me for, I'll silence it. Saving their lives, that's all that matters. Right? Saving your family."

"Tell the tulkan." Tonowari announced to everyone. "Go."

Alyara felt Lo'ak move away from her and she looked up at him to find him already moving away. There wasn't a moment of hesitation before she was following after him.

"Lo'ak!" She called out but he wasn't slowing down the slightest bit even though she knew that he could hear her. "Lo'ak, come on."

"I need to go to Payakan." Lo'ak said without stopping.

"I can go with you." Alyara offered, jogging up to catch up to Lo'ak.

"No, it's dangerous out there. Stay here. It is safer here." Lo'ak snapped his head around the second she suggested her offer. "Don't follow me."

"You know I'm going to." Alyara kept her eyes on Lo'ak while he turned his head to the side when he heard someone else approaching.

"No way you're rolling out of here, baby brother." Neteyam's voice came from behind them.

"I have to warn Payakan about the pingers." Lo'ak's eyes glanced down to Alyara who was still looking up at him. He tore his eyes away from her, knowing that she would be the one reason for him to stay if he kept looking at her.

"No." Neteyam shut down the idea immedietly. "You've gotta keep your skxawng ass here." Neteyam gently pushed Alyara to the side so he could talk to Lo'ak more clearly.

"He's outcast. There's nobody to warn him but me." Lo'ak reminded him.

"Bro." Neteyam put his hand on top of Lo'ak's head. "Why do you always have to make things so hard?" Lo'ak shoved his brother's hand off and stared up at him.

"No. You mean why can't I be the perfect son like you?" Alyara moved her eyes away from Lo'ak for the first time and noticed that Neteyam's ears had dropped and his lips turned into a grimace. "The perfect little solider. Well, I'm not you! Okay? I'm not you. He's my brother. I'm going."

Alyara's mouth opened to say something, but realized this really wasn't her place to say anything. But she noticed Lo'ak was ready to leave again and was ready to follow after him.

"Oh, he's your brother?" Neteyam grabbed Lo'ak's arm and spun him around. "No, I'm your brother."

"Lo'ak!" Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Roxto had arrived and Lo'ak had noticed them. "Get off of me." He shook Neteyam's hand off him and dove into the water.

"Lo'ak!" Neteyam and Alyara shouted at the same time. "Come back!"

"He's going to Payakan!" Neteyam announced and called for his ilu. Alyara didn't bother calling out for one, she just dove straight into the water after Lo'ak. Luckily, her impulse decision was fixed by Neteyam when he grabbed her out of the water when he passed her.

"What are we doing to do, Neteyam?" She asked while they tried to catch up to Lo'ak. Neteyam recognized the stress and fear in her voice and turned his head to look at her face.

"We're going to get him and talk some sense into him." Neteyam reassured her. "Or you talk to him because I already tried."

"What if he doesn't listen?"

"If he's going to listen to anyone, it's going to be you, Alyara."


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