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Alyara was sitting with her feet dangling off the walkway of the village. About everyone else were in their homes, so it was just her outside on her own.

Her feet were splashing in the water since she was lightly kicking her feet back and forth. She didn't really knowing what she was doing outside, but she didn't want to disrupt the Sully family having a little of their own family time without her there.

"What are you doing?" Lo'ak's voice came from above and she tilted her head back to look up at him. She was a little surprised that he was there instead of with his family.

He sat down next to her and let his feet fall into the water. "Just sitting here." She answered and turned her head to look at him. Alyara had the urge to lay her head on her shoulder since it was right there, but didn't.

"How come?"

"I wanted to." She sighed and lowered herself so she was laying down and looking up at the sky. Lo'ak looked down at her before following her action and laying down next to her. "It's a nice night."

"It is." He agreed and placed one arm under his head. "So, you're just watching the stars?"

"Kinda." She crossed her arms and placed them on top of her stomach. "I never really realized how pretty they looked." Lo'ak focused on the stars and understood what she meant.

"My dad came from a star." He told her and pointed his finger at one of the stars.

"What would it be like coming from a star?" Alyara wondered. "Or somewhere different from Pandora like where the sky people come from. Like your dad."

"We've traveled enough to last us a while." Lo'ak said and patted her arm. "From the forest to here, I never wanna fly for that long ever again. This village is enough for me." Alyara shot up into a sitting position and looked down at Lo'ak with wide eyes. "What did I say for you to get that look in your eyes?"

"This village. It's all we've looked at so far." She explained and got up to her feet. "We haven't explored anything outside of where Tsireya and Ao'nung taught us how to ride ilu. What if there's something else that's cooler around here?"

"You want to go explore.." Lo'ak wasn't turning down her idea. In fact, he thought it was an excellent idea. "Where should we go first?" Alyara grinned at him before taking his hand and throwing them both into the water.

She swam around the village, trying to find an open spot somewhere that led to a secret cave or tunnel. She would take anything interesting at this point. Lo'ak was right behind her and rechecking the places she looked to make sure she didn't miss anything.

After looking around half of the island and not finding anything, Alyara came up to the surface to catch her breath and to talk to Lo'ak. "Maybe this island is boring and doesn't have anything." She frowned.

"Come on, we still have half the island left to explore." Lo'ak tilted his head over to her and he already knew what to say that would make her continue searching. "Are you giving up already?" Determination flashed in Alyara's eyes before she pushed Lo'ak's head back.

"You wish."

She went back underwater and Lo'ak went in after her. He stayed in the front this time while Alyara checked on any spots he could've missed. It was only fair since Alyara was in the front for the first half of the island.

Lo'ak went to push away a plant that was covering part of the island wall when his hand fell through and all he felt was water instead of something solid. Alyara was about to swim right past him when Lo'ak grabbed her arm to stop her.

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