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Alyara was sitting on top of Payakan while Lo'ak asked the tulkan questions about what the others said before about him being an outcast.

She wasn't sure what to expect when it came to a tulkan, but what she saw did exceed her expectations. When she thought back about Tsireya and Ao'nung's words about a killer, she wasn't expecting this.

Lo'ak was right about Payakan. He was friendly and didn't care that Alyara climbed on top of him once Lo'ak introduced them to each other.

"Do you think we could stay out here until night?" Alyara called down. "Or at least until the stars are visible?" Lo'ak looked up from where he was sitting on Payakan's fin.

"Probably not so soon. Dad would get mad again if I stayed out too late and bringing you along with me." Lo'ak answered.

"But I came with you willingly. It's not like you carried me out into the water against my wishes." Alyara slid down Payakan's back and down to his fin.

"Still." Lo'ak looked down into the water before moving down so half his body was in the water. "Come on, let's swim." He offered his hand out for her and she took it before he pulled her into the water with him.

Alyara was about to swim next to the tulkan when Lo'ak grabbed her hand and kept her back against the fin. "Just stay here." He said before Payakan went underwater and began swimming, bringing the two teenagers along with him.

Alyara started to excitedly slap Lo'ak's arm when they moved and Lo'ak was secretly glad they were underwater so her slaps didn't hurt as much as usual.

The two of them and Payakan spent a good amount of time swimming under the water before the two teenagers went back up and stayed on top of Payakan.

"Give me your arm." Alyara said when Lo'ak sat down next to her. Lo'ak lifted up his arm to her and watched closely when she opened her pouch and took something out of it.

"Is that what you've been working on?" He asked and waited for Alyara to wrap the bracelet around his wrist. He quickly recognized the beads from his mother.

"Yeah, I wanted to get this to you sooner, but kept getting distracted. Tuk's been asking for one and I wanted to make the rest of your family one." She secured the end of the bracelet with a knot. "Is that too tight? Too loose?"

"Make it tight." Lo'ak told her. "I don't want it to fall off." Alyara tugged the knot tightly and shook Lo'ak's arm to make sure it wasn't loose.

"Is that okay?" Alyara made sure the bracelet was still a little loose since she didn't want to cut off the blood circulation in his arm leading to his hand.

"It's perfect." Lo'ak looked down at the new addition to his arm and smiled, both at the bracelet and the girl who made it. "A special Alyara no-last-name bracelet." He lifted his arm up to his face and continued inspecting the bracelet.

"Made for the one and only Lo'ak Sully." Alyara watched him admire her little gift and she was glad that he liked it.

"I got you a fish yesterday." Lo'ak blurted out, wanting to say something that could compare to her bracelet.

Alyara visibly brightened up and sat up a little straighter. "You did?" Her tone was the happiest that Lo'ak has heard in a while.

"I got them to follow Payakan, but once I got back to the village, they were gone." Lo'ak said, still feeling disappointed that he couldn't get them back to her.

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