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Alyara and Lo'ak had to say bye to Payakan when they got close to the village. Lo and Ara had followed the two teenagers back and stayed near the cave.

"Do you think they will stay?" Alyara asked worriedly when they started walking through the village pathway.

"They should." Lo'ak reassured her and tapped his hand against hers. "They have been following you all day."

The two of them talked on their way back and both were smiling while they spoke about the day they had. Just the two of them out in the ocean with just the fish around.

Sometime in the conversation, Alyara had moved her hand closer to Lo'ak's until her fingers were lightly holding onto the bracelet she made for him. Lo'ak noticed, but he didn't say anything just in case she would remove it if he did. He didn't want her to do that.

"Jake isn't going to be mad is he?" Alyara asked and looked up at Lo'ak who had just moved his eyes away from her a second ago.

"No." At least, Lo'ak hoped so. "We're back on time." It was dark out, but the sun set not so long ago.

"I don't want you to get in trouble again." It was safe to say Alyara was more worried about Lo'ak than he was.

"Lo'ak! Alyara!" Alyara snapped her head toward the voice, thinking they were in trouble. But instead of Jake, it was Neteyam.

"You have to come quickly." He said and grabbed both of their arms.

"What is wrong?" Lo'ak fastened his pace to keep up with his brother's speed walking.

"It's Kiri, she had a seizure."


"I hope she wakes up soon." Tuk was sitting next to Alyara who was sitting next to Lo'ak who was sitting next to Neteyam. The four of them were sitting outside while the adults were inside.

"Me too, Tuk." Alyara wrapped her arm around the younger girl and rested the side of her face against the top of her head.

Norm and Max had come by to help, trying to get Kiri awake. Alyara would've been overjoyed by the appearance of their old friends if it was for any other circumstance.

"How are you guys?" Norm sat down next to Neteyam and inserted him in their line. Everyone turned their heads over to him before looking back to the front.

"How is Kiri?" Tuk was the first to speak up.

"We're trying." Norm answered honestly. "Ronal is with her right now with Neytiri." Tuk turned her head around before standing up and walking inside with her mother.

"How is it back at home?" Neteyam asked, not realizing or not caring that he called the forest home because it still was to him.

"It's lonely without all of you. No more Sully kids running through the lab or Alyara and Lo'ak racing each other through the forest."

"We still race each other if that brings you comfort." Alyara informed him. "Now we race each other in the water."

"Who wins?" Norm turned his head over to Alyara and Lo'ak, already knowing the answer.

"Me." Alyara smiled.

"Faster than him on land and in water." Norm laughed while Lo'ak rolled his eyes.

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